05|kings cross

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As usual the train station was packed with all different types of people. While some were running towards their trains, others were running head first into walls.

Walking alongside Tonks, Violet glanced around the station. She remembered her first time going to Hogwarts. Only her father had brought her, leaving her and her trunk on the curb and telling her not to come home for Christmas, before quickly getting back into their car and driving away.

She had no idea where she was going that day. She ended up walking around the station for about thirty minutes. She knew there was no such thing as a platform nine and three-quarters, and just as she was about to give up she happened to lean back into a wall and find it didn't catch her weight.

Looking up she saw that she was in between platforms 9 and 10. Breathing a deep sigh, she had moved her trolley forward and turned around, before shaking her head and muttering, "It's worth a go."

Today, she would once again be running full speed at a brick wall. What had her life become?

Feeling something brush up against her leg, the teen looked down to see the black dog that had been pissing her off all day. She didn't believe Sirius Black could get any more annoying, but there's no such thing as impossible.

She didn't even understand how this wizard was ever here. Did he not realize he was a wanted criminal? That the entire wizard world has been looking for him for years?

'Padfoot' let out few quick barks, causing Moody to turn back and mutter, "Padfoot, are you barking mad? You'll blow the entire operation."

Grabbing Violets coat between his teeth, the dog dragged her down the stairs and into a side room at the train station. While the dog transformed back into a man, Violet quickly closed the door behind her and twisted back around.

"You do understand that your a wanted felon, correct? How idiotic can you be to come to a busy place like this?" Violet glowered at the man.

"Well, what's life without a little risk?" Sirius questioned, before waving his hand in a dismissing manner, "There's more important things to talk about."

"And what are those?"

"I see myself in you." Violet tried to interrupt, but was stopped, "Let me finish. I see myself in you. Your mannerisms, anxious ticks. My family didn't love me either, they used to though, or I think they did. Before I got sorted, but after that I saw their true colors. I think you did too. Violet, I know you may not like me. I know you may just think of me as a crazy old loon, but I want you to know you can always come to me. No matter what. Now I will be lettering you throughout the year, and there is nothing you can do to stop me. It is your choice, however, if you would like to respond or not."

Squinting her eyes suspiciously, Violet questioned, "I thought you hated snakes?"

"Oh I do, I truly do, but your different. Violet-" Sirius was cut off by the sound of the door opening.

Glancing over, the two found one Harry James Potter standing, awkwardly looking between them. "I'll go if you two need to finish."

"We're done." Violet said, before pushing past her cousin roughly and walking back over to the rest of the group, slamming the door behind her.


As soon as Violet got to the rest of the group who were waiting on Harry, she quickly grabbed her trunk and rushed over to her platform. In no way was she going to be close to the others when she entered the wizarding world, she had a reputation to uphold.

After dropping her trunk off, Violet quickly turned to hear a squeal from behind her. Then she was being pounced on by the one and only Daphne Greengrass.

Eyes wide, Violet quickly pushed Daphne off of her and held her by her shoulders. "Daph, personal space."

"Oh shut up, you love me, not as much as you love Dra-" Daphne was quickly cut off with a pale hand covering her mouth. Violet darkly glared at her, before glancing around for the dragon boy.

She and Draco Malfoy were friends and nothing more. They'd been close ever since their first year, as they bonded over their shared hatred for Violets cousin. He'd defended her for years, but they never crossed the friendship line.

Somehow in her inventive mind, Daphne came up with the bizarre idea that they liked each other in a different way. She thought there was something more going on there.

"How many times do I have to tell you that he's nothing more than a friend before you get it through your thick skull?" Violet shook her head, removing her hand from Daphnes mouth.

"When you finally admit that the both of you are endgame, anyway come on, I told Theo to get us a compartment." and once again Violet was being dragged away.


Theodore Nott and Daphne Greengrass had been dating for the last two years. The couple had known each other for years, as their parents were known purebloods, but they didn't really get to know each other until they attended Hogwarts.

The more they got to know each other, the closer they got and finally Theo asked Daphne to go to Hogsmede with him. The boy was visibly shaking as he asked, while Daphne squealed in excitement.

Not only did they love each other, but their parents were thrilled that their children were dating a pure blood slytherin.

To say that Daphne had Theo rapped around her finger was an understatement. He did anything for his girlfriend asked, and her latest request was to help her move forward in her plan.

Operation; Dragon Flower Endgame

She was determined to get her best friend and one of his best mates, Draco, together by the end of their fifth year.

His current project was to talk to Draco about Violet. He needed to see what they were dealing with, and how far they would need to push their friends.

After securing their groups compartment, Theo turned to Draco and begun his "normal" conversation. "So how have you been, Dray? Good summer?"

Slightly confused by the sudden question, Draco nodded, "Yeah it was okay, normal badgering from my father, but other than that it was fine."

"Must've been lonely, huh, did you miss any of us? Maybe Vi?" Theo suggested, trying to seem casual.

He was failing.

Rolling his eyes, Draco sighed, "Daphne told you to ask me that, didn't she? She's never gonna give up on this."

Theo hesitated, before nodding, "Draco we all see the way you look at her when you think no ones checking."

"She's my friend, and you can tell your girlfriend it's never going to happen."

"You never answered my question." Theo reminded, "Did you miss Violet?"

Before he could answer however, the compartment door was slammed open to reveal Daphne and Violet panting.


authors note
what are daphne and violet running from?

this chapter was a little shorter than my normal ones, but i hope you've enjoyed it. if you can leave some comments that would be great, i really turn to them for motivation.

what do you think about daphne and theo?
love y'all

next update:
july 12, 2020

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