Breaking up (Rumplestiltskin) (part 3)

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You stare at him in shock.

He told you that he wants you.

But it can't be. He left you.

You shake your head the moment after you let reality sink in. It's not supposed to go like this. He's not allowed to make you feel good again, only to break your heart once again. He's broken your heart once and you barely survived. You can't go through that pain again.

Rumplestiltskin notices the tears in your eyes and he almost rushes towards you, taking your hand. You're so upset that you just let him.

"Y/N.." he starts quietly, but you look down, closing your eyes. You can't cry. He can't know how much pain he has caused you. You should be stronger without him. But.. you're not. You need him with you.

"Dance with me," Rumplestiltskin says, but he's not commanding you. He's giving you a choice. It's clear that a serious conversation is too much for now, so he's giving you the option to dance with him, or leave.

You nod slowly and give his hand a small squeeze, quickly wiping your tears with your other hand. He guides you over to the dance floor which is now completely empty, then turns to look at the orchestra.

"Play something for us, please," Rumple says, showing them his attitude again and waving with his hand, but he's only showing the real Rumplestiltskin to you.

It doesn't take long before they start playing a rather slow song, but perfect to dance to, and Rumple turns to look at you again. He places a hand on your waist and the other hand gently takes your hand. You place your hand on his shoulder and focus on the way you stand, but Rumple is only staring at you. You look up at him and make eye contact, and for a moment, he looks like he's your Rumple again. His eyes are soft and gentle, and his hands slowly caress your skin.

"Ready?" He mutters. You nod to reply to him, and soon he starts dancing with you. He moves you across the dance floor, your bodies connecting on a whole different level. You don't even have to think about dancing with him, it just happens, and it feels natural, like this is what you were meant to do. Your bodies move as one, and it feels perfect. Happiness grows inside of you again and you give him a smile for the first time that night, and he smiles back at you. It warms your heart. But there is also sadness in his eyes, though he doesn't stop dancing. Even as the song ends, you two are still dancing, as if you're in your own perfect little world. But after a short while, you both stop. He looks at you and still holds you close, and you look at him, almost waiting for him to speak.

"I shouldn't have left you.." Rumple whispers, his forehead resting against yours. You sigh a little and close your eyes, letting reality sink in. You and Rumple aren't together anymore.

Your hands cup either side of his face and you stay close to him, savoring this moment.

"I want you back," Rumplestiltskin whispers, breaking the silence, but you shake your head and step back slowly.

"I can't," you tell him, but he takes both your hands. Tears start burning in your eyes again as you look up at him, but he's not planning on leaving or letting you leave.

"Y/N, it was a mistake. I never should've left you."

"No, Rumple, you broke my heart. You broke my heart and I can't let you do that again," you tell him, shaking your head as if to shake the tears away, but they start falling from your eyes anyways, down to your cheeks and to your jaw. Rumplestiltskin brings his hands up to wipe your eyes and you notice how gentle he is with you.

"Breaking your heart was the biggest mistake of my life, and I'll never, ever break your heart again, Y/N," he promises, and hope fills your heart. You know better than to accept him into your life again, but your heart is aching for him, it desperately wants to return and reunite with his heart.

"You basterd.." you mutter, your voice cracking, and then finally, you can't stop yourself from crying anymore. The tears fall freely down your face and you lean in, hugging Rumplestiltskin tightly, burying your face in his chest. He wraps his arms around you instantly and holds you tightly in return, running a hand through your hair to try and calm you down.

"I'm so sorry.." he whispers in your ear. "For everything, I'm sorry.." he whispers softly, and you feel his lips press to your temple. You sigh a little and close your eyes, slowly calming down.

"I love you.." Rumplestiltskin whispers now, and for a moment, your heart stops. Does he truly still love you..?

You look him up into his eyes, but know that he's telling the truth. He gently wipes your tears and removes some of the mascara that's now covering your cheeks and he gives you a gentle smile.

"I love you, Rumple.." you whisper back to him, then watch him smile in happiness and he lets out a sigh of relief, like he's been anxiously holding his breath for you to finally reply.

"You do—?" He asks, but you cut him off by leaning in, pressing your lips to his. He accepts your lips instantly and pulls you closer to him, while you move your hands to cup his face. You hum softly and allow the kiss to grow slightly more rough. You've been longing for this, waiting to finally kiss him again, and now it is finally happening.

The kiss is abruptly stopped, however, by a knock on the door. You look up and hear people shouting, then quickly look back up at Rumple. The people that all left the ballroom in a hurry to get free gold, are now all rushing back, shouting now that they know Rumple had lied to them, and that the gold was only an illusion.

"What say you we get out of here together as quickly as possible, dearie?" Rumplestiltskin asks you, a mischievous grin appearing on his lips.

"But - the people, Rumple.. they'll hate you," you say to him, but he shakes his head, waving with his hand.

"I don't think so. They won't even remember we were here," he grins, and it's contagious apparently. You grin back at him and nod, trusting him. You both then rush out of the room, and you're right on time. The people storm back into the ballroom the second you two left, still angry, but that anger soon subsides, and they seem to forget why they were angry in the first place.

You and Rumplestiltskin make your way back home to the cottage, arriving much sooner than you expected, and you both go inside. After showering and freshening up, the two of you sit down on the sofa together in each other's arms, cuddling with each other, always trying to pull each other closer. This is where you belong, right in Rumple's arms. It's the safest and happiest place on earth for you.

Finally, Rumplestiltskin has come back home to you again. Finally, you and Rumplestiltskin are together again, never to be apart.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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