Breaking up (Rumplestiltskin) (part 2)

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You're sitting at an empty table at a huge party you attended. The masquerade. It was one of the biggest parties ever, and everyone always looked forward to go to he masquerade, both highborns and low borns. Though you've never actually been to the masquerade, but you wanted to see what all the fuss was about.

At first, you were planning on going to the masquerade with Rumplestiltskin. You and him were both invited. Most people didn't really like Rumplestiltskin, but they invited him anyways, to any party, because they were afraid of what Rumple would do to them if they wouldn't invite him. And while before you didn't have much of a reputation, soon you were known as 'Rumplestiltskin's girlfriend', but people didn't fear you like they feared Rumple. They adored you, and you soon made many friends. They started inviting you, and him, to more and more parties, and finally you were invited to the annual masquerade too. It would've been your first masquerade together with Rumplestiltskin, and it would've been perfect. But just a few weeks ago, Rumplestiltskin left you, and you were left with only two options - go to the masquerade alone, or don't go at all.

You decided to go alone.

Yet even though people always look forward to this specific party, it wasn't that much fun. You were for sure trying to have fun. You deserve that after weeks of sadness, after weeks of crying because Rumplestiltskin left you. You deserve to have fun. But that was far easier said than done.

Every single thing reminded you of Rumplestiltskin for some reason. There wasn't one thing that didn't make you think of him. Your mind always found its way back to Rumple, no matter how hard you tried to distract yourself. And after a while, you just gave up on trying. It was exhausting. People had even asked you to dance, many times now, and even though that could've been a good way to distract yourself, you refused all of them. You couldn't dance with anyone while Rumplestiltskin was still so fresh in your mind.

"Why the long face, dearie?"

Your eyes widen in shock as you suddenly hear someone talk. You know that voice, that tone, that excitement. For a moment, you think it's just your imagination, but as you turn your head, you look right into Rumplestiltskin's eyes. You swallow before looking away again.

"I should've known you'd be here too," you say to him, sounding rather annoyed, but it doesn't make him go away. No, instead, he takes a chair and sits down next to you, almost leaning in closer to you.

"Why that tone with me, dearie, what's on your mind?" Rumple asks you, and you frown in disbelief. Is he being serious right now? Can he truly not see that he might be the reason you're so upset?

"Oh, I'm so sorry mister Rumplestiltskin," you sarcastically say to him. "I never meant to be rude to you, sir, I just prefer to be alone right now in silence," you tell him, which makes him laugh for some reason.

"In silence? Now, that's no way to party, dearie, is it?"

You give him a cold stare, which startles him a little, letting him know that you're really done with him, and that you want him to leave. And then finally, he leaves you alone.. for about ten seconds.

He stands up on one of the tables all of the sudden and demands everyone's attention.

"People!" He starts. "No one here has informed you yet, but here I am to tell you that there is a massive surprise waiting outside in the garden for all of you!" Rumplestiltskin announces, but everyone stays right where they are, staring at Rumplestiltskin. They know of his tricks, and most of them don't even seem to believe him. You chuckle a little at his failed attempt to get everyone out of the ballroom, but he tries again.

"If you don't believe me, dearie, look out for yourself!" Rumple says, pointing to a window that looks out over the garden. A few people start to walk up to the window, and you see Rumplestiltskin waving with his hand. There's no doubt he's making some kind of illusion appear for the people, making them think there's actually something waiting for them in the garden, because you know he won't just give anything away like that.

"Wow, he's right! There's gold, piles of gold!" Someone shouts, and before you know it, everyone starts rushing out of the ballroom. Your eyes widen in surprise. You didn't think anyone would actually fall for his tricks, but everyone is falling for his trick. It's almost as if the people are possessed, leaving the room in great hurry.

It doesn't take long before the room is empty. Only you, Rumplestiltskin and the orchestra remain. Rumple waves with his hand to close all the doors, and locks them. No one is to leave or to return.

You stare at Rumple, a frown on your face, almost as if to ask him 'what are you doing?'

"I'm surprised you didn't follow them to get some of that gold, dearie," Rumplestiltskin teases you as he turns to look at you, but you're not impressed. You just roll with your eyes and let out a sigh.

"I don't believe in your tricks anymore, Rumple, what are you doing?" You now ask him, but he just smiles.

"You wanted silence, dearie, and now, I have given that to you," he says, making that weird gesture with his hands he always does. You used to love it. Now, it only annoys you.

"No, not like this-," you sigh, but you get interrupted by Rumplestiltskin who walks up to you, slowly.

"Not like this? Then what do you want, dearie? Simply ask for it, and I shall give it to you."

"No, Rumple, what do you want? Why are you doing this, what is it that you want?" You snap at him, raising your voice a little as you stand up from your seat. He needs to get to the point soon now, because you're starting to lose your patience.

But much to your surprise, his posture changes. He walks up to you, his eyes soft, his voice soft. For a moment, he looks like your Rumplestiltskin again. No tricks. No jokes. He's the way he always is with you.

"I just want you, Y/N."

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