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Josh is terrible at Mario Maker
Fluff. Idk how it turned into a Josh/Carson, but it did.
For @PatStunpsFedora
✨~~                                                        ~~✨
Josh would consider himself normal. Okay, sure his job was a bit abnormal, but that's only for older people who don't know better.

Josh would consider himself normal. Okay, sure his friends were the actually embodiment of chaos, but he still liked them. He kinda has to, because they are a one of the reasons he gets a paycheck.

Josh would consider himself normal. Okay, his mother might throw waffles at him from time to time. But who doesn't like waffles, even if they have been on the floor.

Josh is normal. Why aren't his feelings for his best friend normal?

He was currently at Carson's house playing Mario Maker, because of course they were. Carson liked to torture Josh. It probably was his favorite past time, or so Josh convinced himself, because the other did it, a lot.

"That's so unfair!" The black hair boy yelled at the TV. This was maybe the fifth time in a row he lost to the same level. "Did you see how close I was!? I was right there! Oh my god! Did you see how close I was to finishing!?" Josh didn't get an answer. All he got was the sound of the other boy wheezing laugh.

"Fuck you, Carson," Josh huffed and shoved the controller to said man. "You try. If you think it's so easy."

Carson laughed again and jokingly and violently grabbed the controller from the other man's hand. And of course Carson beat the level. Sure he might of died and had to restart, but at least he got to the end alive at one point. He also only died once, compared to Josh's amazing streak of five.

Smirking Carson handed the controller back the fuming boy. "It was easy and I did finish it, baby."

Josh gasped and turned redder. The other assumed it was because he was angry. But Josh knew that wasn't the only reason. Yes he was actually pissed off at the fact that Carson beat the level that quickly. However, the name Carson called him. That made Josh feel strange. Like a steak went through his heart.

"Shut up dude," Josh mumbled and crossed his arms. "Can we play something else now?"

Carson tilted his head slightly like he was a puppy, trying to get a better look at Josh. Which pissed Josh off because it made the blonde look cuter than he is allow to. "You okay?"

Josh nodded curtly, "Yeah." He put his hands on his knees. "We've just been playing this for awhile. And I'm thirsty, so I'm gonna get some water."

He moved to stand up, however he couldn't, because Carson flung his arm around Josh's shoulder. "Nah-uh. What's up dude?" Josh crossed his arms again, pouting, making his bottom lip push out to try to make himself frown. In reality, he just didn't want to move. Because Carson was touching him and he felt the other's heat radiating off of the blonde onto the ravenette.

Josh glared at the other. "Nothing. Give me water."

"I know a baby when I see one," Carson said, firmly. Which embarrassed the other and also made the other one slight off put him. Who does Carson know that looks like a baby? Who was he with? Kate? No. Well she is a baby who can't own up to her mistakes. Is that who Carson is comparing him to? Oh god. Does he really think that?

"Josh!" Carson called to him. He turned his head to the blonde shyly and mumbled an apology. "Oh don't apologize. It's okay, you didn't do anything. I just want to know what's goin' on inside your big ol' head."

Josh just groaned, and told his feelings to fuck off. "I don't know. Well, I do know. But it's just embarrassing," he whined and slouched further onto the couch.

"Just don't be embarrassed"

"That's hard."

"I'm not going to judge you."

"Yes you will."

"You don't know that."

"I do know that."

"Just tell me!"

"I like you!" Josh yelled. He didn't mean to, but Carson just kept asking he questions and he just wanted him to drop the subject. Carson didn't speak. That sent Josh into gay panic™. "Look I'm sorry I said that. I really shouldn't of said that. That was stupid. I just wanted to drop the subject and then I yelled. Which is weird. Not the yelling part, but what I yelled. And I just hope that this doesn't ruin our friendsh-"

Carson shut him up. He shut the rambling man up so quick. And what he did was very simple. He gave him a kiss. Not on the lips, Josh's mouth was moving to fast for that to be cute. No, he went for a kiss on the cheek, and it gave Carson the save effect he was hoping for.

"Oh god stop talking. Don't be embarrassed. Because I like you too." Josh just stared intently at the other man. His face was still red, however now it was due to embarrassment and not anger. "How are you not melting," Carson laughed at him.

Josh laughed with him, "I don't know."

"Did I," Carson started, "silence the un-silence-able (i want to make sure y'all can read)?"

Josh rolled his eyes and shoved Carson slightly. "Shut up you can't use that."

Carson just shrugged. "I think I can." They sat peacefully for a moment. Carson then gasped, startling the younger. "Shit. You wanna be my boyfriend?"

Josh just laughed. Probably a little to hard, but Carson joined in nonetheless. "Sure dumb ass."

Josh is normal. But at least his abnormal feelings for his best friend are abnormally recuperated.
✨~~                                                        ~~✨
That was cute. I think it was cute.
So the first ones are gonna kinda awkward because I am still trying to get the hang of writing, which I haven't done in a long time.
But if you still wanna request, please do!
I wanna write!
Words: 1005

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