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***Grey's POV***

We spent three days in Italy. Despite Mark's incessant whining, that first day, we never made it to be tourists. The only sight we wanted, needed to see was Sebastian.

Dad flew all of us home this morning. Alex stayed behind with Gavin. The two are scheduled to be back stateside this weekend. I like those two. They mesh well with us.

We are currently flying the 14 hour trip to Manhattan. I'm exhausted. Hospitals have a way of draining every ounce of energy from perfectly healthy people. I have no idea how Seb stayed there for nine weeks.

I can't sleep. I need to, but I don't want to. I am enjoying the serene look on Mark's face. He is curled up on the couch next to Sebastian.

The doctor gave us the all clear to fly. Sebastian made huge steps towards recovery the last three days. Some call it magic, I call it Mark.

Depression can keep you sick even if you are not sick at all. Which isn't the case. Before we went back to the hospital that second day, we all had a meeting with Dr. Reins. He explained that Sebastian had a very long recovery. In five years they would call it remission. Until then, he is to be under a doctor's care.

We are meeting with Dr. Parson's tomorrow afternoon. He is the chief oncologist in Manhattan. He comes highly recommended.

Kip and Mario are busy playing chess. Mak is curled up on my chest. He doesn't like flying. He only agreed to do this because of Mark. I love their relationship.

It seems a little tense at times but, I know that it is just stress from either side playing out.

Mark is going to take a few days off once we land. Finally. I have been trying to get that man to take a break for a while. Not wanting to be away from Sebastian so soon, he has actually put in for vacation.

Mak will take up the slack but, we are not intending on spending much time in the office. We don't have to. We employ really dedicated personnel. I have no doubt the office is going to run smoothly in our absence. If not, we will be one call away.

Mak shifts in my arms causing me to move my eyes over his beautiful face. My angel. He is such a fucking god send. I'm a lucky bastard.

I bend my head down and gently place my lips on his forehead. I will never tire of feeling his skin upon mine. He is just my world.

"Grey." Mak whispers.

"Yes, baby." I look down at his eyes and wait for his request.

"How much longer?" Mak rubs his fists over his eyes and yawns largely.

"A couple more hours. You can go back to sleep love. I will wake you when we land." I run my fingers through his hair, moving the unkempt strands from his forehead.

"I don't want to sleep. I missed you." Mak looks up and bats those thick eyelashes at me.

God, I could just gobble him up.

"How can you miss me in your sleep?" I squint my eyes at Mak, playfully.

"I dunno. I just did." Mak shrugs and wraps his arms around my neck. He blinks rapidly apparently, because I can feel his lashes fluttering against my neck.

I rub my hands over his back soothingly. He is so damn precious.

"I love you, Daddy." Mak whispers into my neck.

"I love you sweet man. You are everything to me." I wrap my arms around his tiny frame and give him a long squeeze.

"Daddy, can't breathe." Mak giggles. I nuzzle my nose into his shoulder and scent him with my beard. My jaw rubs my scruff against his cleanly shaven face.

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