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***Grey's POV***


I am so fucking stupid.

So god damned stupid.

I ruined our perfect day.

I didn't mean to. I got caught up in the conversation. It wasn't even anything of consequence. I just literally got sucked in.

Before I knew it, that plastic chick was rubbing all over me. I side stepped her a few times. I got lost in the talk and didn't pay attention to how anyone else saw what was happening.

Mak has every right to be pissed. I would blow a gasket if the situation was reversed.

All I want to do is go beg for mercy at his precious feet. Against my own judgement, I am a half mile away. Having walked across the ocean, literally, I am up on the pier with two pissed off friends.

I can't even argue. I deserve the lectures.

Mario stayed behind. He said it was to keep an eye on Mak. I know that to be true. He views my baby as his little brother. However, I saw the disappointment in his eyes as he walked away.

I fucked up.

"Quit harping on it. Just let him come to you." Mark warns me for the hundredth time.

"I know." I groan loudly.

"This is a lesson learned." Kip speaks softly. He hasn't been half as harsh as Mark.

"Yeah, you aren't kidding. I'm so completely shit. Just trash." I groan as I pace the pier.

"He will come to you. He just needs to come to terms with everything. Calm down." Mark explains.

"Yeah, well, I just destroyed all sense of security in a perfect relationship. So excuse me for fucking kicking myself." I bark.

"Well, next time, just fucking don't. You're his first line of defense, Grey. That is the issue. He stood there vulnerable while some girl pawed at what is his. Give him a fucking minute to wrap his head around the bullshit. I'm sure it's more than he thought he had to handle today. Hell, you're just my friend and I got jealous." Kip yells loudly and has me shrinking back quickly.

"Okay, I'm done yelling at you." Kip looks at me with apologetic eyes.

"It's fine. I much rather hear the harshness I earned than the ocean whispering the silence." I wave my hand over the vast blue water that does nothing to soothe my anxiety.

"Wanna come up with a game plan?" Mark asks reluctantly.

"Grovel?" I chuckle worriedly.

"Apologize." Kip corrects me.

"I plan on it." I promise.

"Confirm that he is it for you. Build him back up. Shower him with attention, the way you always do. Shit, that kid is head over heels for you. He is just a bit pissed." Kip chuckles.

"Pissed? How about livid? He told me not to act like his Daddy unless I was fucking him. He grew balls of fucking titanium in seconds." Mark gawks as he remembers Mak snapping at him.

I laugh whole heartedly. God damn my baby has a bite to match his bark.

"I seriously wanted to bust out laughing. But, no way I was bringing that shit down on myself." Kip holds his side while recollecting the moment.

"It's been a few hours. I miss him." I whisper mostly to myself. I don't like the feeling of him being so close yet, so far away.

"Next time might not end with him in your arms. Think about how your actions pace your future, Grey." Mark effectively embeds his wisdom in my heart.

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