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It's just another downpour don't let it get the best of you
It's only up from the floor, light everything inside of you
Don't burn out, don't burn out on me
Don't burn out, don't burn out on me

Imagine Dragons


The unbearable heat and desire had extinguished, leaving my body feeling weak and broken,  as if it didn't belong to me anymore.

Everything felt different, and as I tried to open my eyes; I felt a restriction. As if something was telling me not to. I fought against the restriction and urged my eyes to open. The struggle was real, and it stung as my eyelids peeled back slowly. It felt like acid had been poured into my eyes, causing soreness and discomfort. It took a few attempts to fully open them, and adjust to the bright light of the room.

Every time I blinked, my eyes ached and when I was able to look around, I was shocked to see Alaric sitting down next to me, on a plastic hard chair. I could feel that he was holding my hand tightly, and it seemed that he had been sat there for a long time.

Our eyes locked together for a second.

That's all it took one second for me to feel overwhelmed with an unknown feeling. My eyes stared at Alaric as if I was looking at him for the first time and all I could do was gawk at him in awe. His handsome face was even more handsome than before, his face was sun-kissed and was free from blemishes. His hair was messy like he had run his hands through it constantly, but in a way, it added to his dark and dangerous look. Deep brown pools of warmth captivated me, as I looked into his eyes. Alaric sat before me in all his powerful and dominant glory.

He was the epitome of perfection.

He was my mate.

I blinked, seeing Alaric in a new light. His face suddenly looked tired and stressed, dark bags were painted under his eyes. Frown lines were drawn onto his forehead and his jaw was clenched tightly.

"Valerie," he breathed, realising that I was awake. The relief was clear from his expression, his face lighting up slightly. The way he said my name sounded different as if he was saying it like a prayer.

"I should never have left you," he grunted out, rubbing soothing circles into the palm of my hand.

A new sensational feeling tingled and sparked in the hand that he was holding. The feeling was severely intense but at the same time, I didn't want it to end. The sparks felt tingly and electrifying, as imperative currents were being shot through my veins; pumping the feeling throughout my body.

"Alaric," I whispered his name, watching as his body stiffened at the sound of my voice.

"I'm here, love," his voice was comforting to me, and it may have sounded cliche to even say it was like music to my ears. His voice was so masculine and deep, erupting butterflies to my very core.

The door of the room suddenly opened, and in walked a male doctor I had never seen, I looked at him hesitantly. He didn't get a chance to even approach me, because Alaric growled lowly. The Doctor looked apprehensive and bowed his head before leaving swiftly.

Alaric didn't want anyone near me, and that confused the hell out of me.

"You don't need him to explain your diagnosis," Alaric muttered.

"What happened?" I croaked out, my throat scratchy and dry.

Alaric was quickly on his feet pouring me a glass of water and helping me to drink it. He soon poured me another glass as I had downed the first. Once he sat back down, his hand clasped mine tightly as if he never wanted to let go.

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