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I sat at the kitchen island, finishing the remains of my coffee as Alaric stood at the sink washing the dishes. It was an extremely rare sight to see. I didn't think Alaric was the domesticated type but then again, I still hadn't gotten to know him properly.

A few days had passed by since he had marked me and since we had both agreed to start over.  Just like the broken bathroom door had been mended, it seemed like Alaric wanted to fix whatever hurt he had caused me.

"Thank you for breakfast, it was really delicious," I said, placing the coffee cup down.

"Well it is unfortunate that my mate can't cook, I wouldn't want her to starve," he smirked as he turned to face me, switching off the faucet.

For the past few days, Alaric and I had fallen into a routine where every morning he would make breakfast for us and then leave to go to the pack office. Dean would come round and spend the day with me until Alaric returned. Whilst he was gone, I would carry on reading the many books that Alaric had picked out or watch cookery TV shows with Dean. I hadn't yet put all my knowledge to practice, I was too scared that I would end up burning down the kitchen or even worse give Alaric or Dean, food poisoning.

Alaric walked away from the sink, wiping his hands with a towel, that was placed on the countertop.

"Dean won't be here today, he's supervising his brother," Alaric reminded me, as he took my coffee mug and placed it into the sink. " I have a few meetings to go to, will you be alright on your own?" Alaric asked.

I hopped off the bar stool, smoothing out the few creases that's had appeared on my t-shirt.

"Well I'm not entirely alone, there are five guards stationed outside-"

"Yes, but you're alone in the house." He gave me a pointed look, that told me not to argue with him.

"Yeah, I can manage," I shrugged answering his question. "I've still got a load of reading to do."

Alaric smiled slightly, his intense look softening. He rolled down the sleeves of his grey shirt, buttoning up the sleeves at his wrists.

"You know you don't have to read all the time, there are other things you can do," he said, beckoning me to follow him as he left the kitchen. We walked side by side to the foyer, where Alaric's suit jacket was hanging off the stair bannister.

"I know, but it's just something that I've always done," I said.

Alaric slipped his suit jacket on, and I watched as he smoothed out the slight crease on his shirt. In the short time that I had come to know him, Alaric was not a messy man. In fact, he had to be the most tidiest and well-presented male I had ever come across. His hair was always styled to perfection, his clothes were expensive just like his shoes and possibly his cologne.

"Well, I think you should find a new hobby, you're only nineteen, you're too young to become Artemis 2.0," he chuckled, moving closer so that he stood before me. I strained my neck up to look at his handsome face, as he looked down at me.

"Speaking of Artemis, I should pay him a visit soon," I said. The day that I had met the elderly librarian, I had become quite fond of him.  Alaric frowned slightly, and I could just imagine what he was thinking; he didn't agree with what I had said.

"I'm gonna guess, you won't approve," I said, feeling slightly nervous of his reply.

"I think it's best if you see Artemis when Dean is with you. I'd feel better knowing you're safe at home today," Alaric said, I could tell that he was trying to hold back his usual sharpness. "Dean is meant to accompany you if you want to go somewhere."

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