chap 50!.......3 YEARS LATER

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YAY! second last chapter =D cute vid on the side =)


chap 50 [ 3 YEARS LATER ]

 [ 3 YEARS LATER]......................................................

Its been 3 years since uncle niall's heart attack.  so far life has been pretty ordinary these last few years, me and Tory are still together were just like any other ordinary couple, yea sometimes we have fights but who doesn't, in the end i LOVE that retarded immature idiot i like to call my boyfriend.

anyway let me just tell you all on whats going on lately.......well, you guys remember Amy and Dan right? WELL there getting MARRIED the wedding's in 3 weeks and i've been spending the last couple of months helping Amy plan the whole thing, I'm even going to be  a brides maid I'm so exited, the hardest part of planning the wedding was probably choosing a venue for the ceremony, we were able to find the most perfect place for the reception but we just couldn't find any thing for the ceremony, until i came in and saved the day of course....

as i said we were having a hard time finding a place for the ceremony, then one day i was driving and i drove past probably the most cutest little church you will ever see in your whole entire life.

(a/n look at pic on side) (also look at at the cute video)  

it was really beautiful, it had brick walls and a beautiful little garden with all types of flower and plants. plus its big enough for all the guests (Amy and Dan both come from really big family's) anyway i showed it to Amy and she LOVED it plus she really liked the idea of getting married in a church (old school).

the funnest part of planning the wedding was properly dress shopping for the bridesmaids. the other brides maid included : Amy's sister (maid of honer), 2 of Amy's cousins, me , Dan's sister and another one of Amy's friends.  

luckily all of us got along and in the end we were all able to decide on a dress, our dresses are these really pretty one strap purple dress that come just above the knee.  the music is going to be amazing (again thanks to me) i managed to talk ONE DIRECTION into playing so pretty much everything is going to be perfect and also you all remember jake right? you know the guy i had a tiny little crush on, well his now dateing rebecca (tory's sister) wow how times have changed !

tory's POV

I sat on the dinning table in the music room just finishing off the last of my breakfast. Dan's wedding is in 3 weeks and every one is really exited about it, trinity even managed to talk one direction into playing at the wedding but there is something on my mind that's been on my mind for a while now and its driving me crazy.

 i need to ask someone about it, but not someone who knows me, i need an outside view, so i decided to go on my old friend google. i took out my phone and quickly typed "how do you know if your girl is the one" into the search bar.

a lot of results came up and i spent like 20 minutes just looking through a couple of them. most of them were just some sappy love things written by little teenage girls that have no idea what there talking about, but then i came across a comment that really stood out to me, it was by someone with the user name readmystory

(a/n sorry i couldn't help my self)

 reaadmystory : one way that you know that someone is the one is if you can't imagine your future without them. when ever you think of who you're going to marry you think of THEM, when you know that you can imagine them being with you even when your old and grey. when you cant imagine being with any one else but them...........that's how you know if your special person is the if you can imagine everything that i just said then i think its time for you to go ring shopping.

i read it about 5-6 times and the more i read it the more sense it made. its true, i can't imagine a future without trinity, and yes every time i think about who i'm going to marry i think about HER, i CAN imagine us being old together and more than anything in the world, i want to marry her.

there's just one problem though...i suck at jewellery shopping (or any type of shopping in general) so i'm gonna need some help. i can't ask my sister's because they couldn't keep a secret if there life depended on it,  i can't ask my mum because she'll probably start crying and talking about how much i've grown up, i can't tell one of my aunts because they'll just tell my mum i can't ask Jacob because his even worse than me when it comes to jewellery shopping, i cant ask my dad because well.... if you ever meet my dad you'll understand WAIT i can ask Dan, no, even better i can ask Amy she'll know exactly what trinity would want.

i took out my phone again and scrolled down my contacts list till i found Amy's number i pressed dial and waited for her to pick up

"hello" she said in the voice you do when you answer the phone

"hey am's its me tory"

"hey Tory whats up" she asked

"look Amy, i kinda need your help with something"....................................................................................


OK next chapter is the epilogue and unlike all the other chapter's in this story its going to be long, so brace your self's also for anyone who's asking, yes there's going to be a SEQUEL !

and in the next chapter i'm going to give you all a sneak peak of that and just for all your information the sequel will involve a WEDDING a bunch PREGNANT WOMAN and a lot of TORY AND TRINITY moments and its fair share of drama  plz enjoy lots of love <3

LaUrA =)

p.s.s after the epilogue i will also post a bonus chapter just for the ppl who are interested

TORY & TRINITY (one direction-ish) {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now