25. Trouble Lurking- Sybill Trelawney

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Dear Harry,

I'm to warn you about trouble lurking in this letter. This is my story.

"Watch out!" I ran clumsily toward my friend, Daphne, just as fast as my eight-year-old legs would carry me. Scared, I shoved her away from the bushes she'd been trying to retrieve a little ball from.

Daphne, forced backward, tripped over a rock and fell to the ground. She and I looked at each other for a minute, before she finally exploded.

"What's your problem, Sybill? You stupid cow! Don't push me like that, you got dirt on my dress!" She stood up angrily, eyes flashing and fists clenched.

"I... I..." I tried to explain to Daphne, but the words would not come out. "Trouble...lurking..."

"You're so dumb! Why do you always say that and ruin everything?" Her voice became louder as she picked up steam, and I began to cower in front of my only friend.

Daphne continued to rage and storm at me, for always warning about trouble and danger and things. She was older by two years and was sometimes intimidating, but she lived in my neighborhood and we got along fine, usually. She was the only person who was actually my friend.

I never really knew how I knew there was trouble around, but I always knew. Perhaps I was sometimes a killjoy and didn't let Daphne have any fun, but I could just tell she was going to get hurt sometimes... There was always trouble lurking, everywhere. I could feel it.

Daphne stormed away, and I was convinced I'd just lost my only friend. Anger started to rise inside me. Why did I have to be so stupid and paranoid? What did I know about trouble or anything?

I wanted to chase Daphne down and apologize, and promise never to tell her about trouble lurking again. Before I could move, however, a small snake slithered out from underneath the bush Daphne had been trying to get the ball from. I could tell it was dangerous, though I didn't know what kind of snake it was.

I started walking home, realizing that I had known there was danger, and then there was. What was wrong with me? Why could I tell when there was trouble lurking?

Harry, trust in what your friends tell you, even if you don't want to. They may see the trouble lurking that you yourself cannot see.

-Sybill Trelawney


Well hey, everyone!

SOO SORRY for the late post! Between writers block and Hurricane Sandy I just never or around to updating, so I'm really sorry. Truth is I still don't have Internet back from Sandy so I had to do this all on my phone :/

Anyway, thanks for reading!!!

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