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[warning: gets a little steamy but no smut...yet;)]

Jasper and Tatum lay in one of the beds watching the night sky out the window. The two cuddle next to each other with Tatum's back curled up against Jasper's front. His arms hold her closely to his chest and his hands play with her wavy hair. Tatum listens closely and carefully as Jasper lists off the names of the stars and constellations.

"And, lastly, that right there, that's Virgo. It's one of the zodiac signs," Jasper accented voice whispers in her ear. She feels shivers up her back and shakes softly in his arms. Jasper, noticing her movements, leans up and kisses just behind her ear before whispering softly, "Cold, darlin'?"

Tatum shakes her head softly, turning in his arms so she could face him. "No, you just give me goosepimples and butterflies when you do that type of stuff."

His eyebrows furrow softly and his eyes look down at her lips before returning to her eyes. "What type of things do I do?"

She doesn't answer her lover. She's too busy pressing her lips to his cold one's. Jasper easily reciprocates this kiss and snakes his hand behind her head to push the kiss even deeper. Tatum shifts her body to straddle Jasper's waist. His hands take over to push her hair away from their connected mouths.

Her hands roam up and down his upper body before settling on his hips. She starts to move her lips down his jaw and towards his collarbone. Jasper letting out deep sighs of pleasure as Tatum gently kisses and sucks on his neck. Jasper's hands wrangle her messy locks into a makeshift ponytail as she kisses further and further down his neck. His sighs turn into soft moans as Tatum's soft hands rub up and down his sides.

Jasper removes the spare ponytail band from his wrist and ties her hair in a horribly done ponytail. Tatum continues kissing and sucking until she reaches the collar of his sweater shirt. Tugging softly on the bottom of it, Tatum desperately tries to remove his shirt. Jasper chuckles with a raspy voice, "Oh, darlin'. Ever so eager, are we?"

"Just take off the damn shirt, jackass."

Jasper complies to her wish and sits up, stripping of his top. Tatum pulls herself further onto his lap as he stays sitting up. She ducks her head down to kiss his neck again. She pulls back from his neck after sucking and softly biting with a groan. "I hate that you can't get hickeys but I can. It's unfair."

"Why would that be unfair, darlin'?" Jasper asks, snaking his hand to cup her buttcheck and squeezing softly. Tatum squeals after feeling the little grabs.

"Because you can give me hickeys and I can get in trouble but I can't get you in trouble for hickeys..." Tatum pouts, squeaking again when Jasper pinches her ass cheek again.

"How about we compromise?" Jasper suggests, leaning in to kiss her softly. He pulls away and chuckles when her lips try to catch him in a chased kiss. "I'll give you hickeys where no one but me can see."

"And where would that be?" Tatum asks seductively, trying to make the mood sexier.

"I could leave them on your hips-" he plants a kiss on her lips "-your thighs-" another kiss "-under your chest-" another kiss "-and even on your chest, if you'll allow me."

"I like the sound of that, but what'll I get out of it?" Tatum tempts him, leaning up so that her chest was closer to his face.

"My love and affection and more than likely head?"

"Ooh, I'd like getting head!" Tatum says with a sultry smile. "But what about regular sex?"

"Like what we would do?"

"I dunno, what would happen if we had sex?" Tatum asks, suddenly super curious.

"I haven't heard anything about humans getting pregnant by vampires but we should probably research it before actually doing anything. Darlin', I really want to fuck you. I really want to fuck you. But I don't want to do something wrong and ruin something."


"It's obvious that we vampires have tremendous amounts of strength. There's always a possibility that I could seriously hurt you. That would be the last thing I would ever want to do," Jasper sighs out, his face frowning as he strokes her face some more.

Tatum grabs hold of his hand on her face and rubs her thumb in circles over it. "Jaz, I trust you. You know me. You also know I'll call you out on your bullshit. If you accidentally do too much or grab a little too hard, I'll tell you."

"Like I said, I want to do some research before doing the fondue with you." Jasper wiggles his eyebrows in a teasing manner as Tatum laughs out. The two calm down and lay back down. Jasper with his head on Tatum's chest as she strokes his hair.

"Would you ever want a baby?" Tatum asks in a whisper.

"Isn't Avery enough?"

"But what about a baby of our own?" Tatum asks. Jasper turns his head to look her in the eye.

"We can't physically have a baby, I don't think," Jasper whispers back, entangling his free hand with her's. "But, if this were a different time and I was a different person then I would have the deepest desire to have a baby right now. However-"

"-We aren't in a different time. We're in now. I know, I've heard your speech about alternate universes and how we could've never met and-"

"-And I still would've loved as much as I do now."


"No, you're bullshit."

"You love my bullshit."

"I do love you."


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