Chapter Five Anguish

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A//N: Hello! This is Alicyn, so I am updating ONLY the original story i wrote back in like high school so many many years ago. Writing at this point is not my main focus, except for a comic I've been wanting to work on. Personally I really don't like this story and have pretty much given up on it. But I will post the full original story here for you, my very patient and lovely readers to read. Please excuse the errors in spelling and grammar most of this story was fueled my by young angsty self. Thank you and enjoy!


Chapter Five - Anguish 

Evelyn watched the flame of her candle, dancing. She looked at the roses on her desk, she didn't touch any of them and just watched them wilt away. She knew that Damien sent them, so that he could be forgiven, but there was no forgiving him now.

"Evelyn!" her father yelled from down stairs, he had stopped entering her room and just sat on the chair helpless and growing more sad then he ever was.

She looked to her window, it was a shining gold from the sun, but she saw the clouds coming in.

And looking at the sun she thought of Caden.

His voice, his touch, his kisses. They made her want to melt and dance in happiness. But of course not all dreams could come true. She closed her eyes letting a few tears fall from her face. Then she felt his eyes on her again.

Damien was watching her again from the woods, or the tree in front of her window. She knew he was there, seeing if she would touch the roses.

She looked up to a pair of chocolate brown eyes, deep and angry.

"Damien." She greeted, her eyes narrowing at the site. His blond hair was cleaned of blood, his face a pale color of ivory. He wore black again, a turtle neck and jeans. He tapped his fingers against the window, a small sad smile on his lips. She turned away, looking to her picture on her bed for her and Caden.

"I want him back." She growled, looking back at him. He looked away and jumped down from the tree once again angry at her.

She sighed and went to her bed, wanting to sleep, but she knew she couldn't. The memories from the graveyard haunted her. The look that Caden gave her that he had failed her, just killed her.

"Caden..." she whispered, closing her eyes, thinking of her happy Caden. "I love you."


Caden looked to the brighten light, knowing who was coming.

"Damien..." he growled, Damien smiled at him.

"hello." He said cheerfully, bringing the rusty knife to his chin. Then suddenly his mood went black.

"I hope you're fucking happy you little shit!" Damien seethed, stabbing the knife into Caden's back.

Caden screamed, panting, his back was numb before now it was in pain again, worse then the last time.

"She won't forgive me, sometimes she didn't even look at me, she hates me all because of you! She only wants you; she just stares at the flame of that damned candle! That white candle that I am envious of! I want to be stared at by her, only if she looked at me with such heat..." Damien's vigor went lame, and he broke down crying. In a way Caden felt for the boy, he just wanted to be loved by someone; Evelyn had told him what happened to Damien. How every day he came and went to school being made fun of and his father beating. He learned of why Damien held onto Evelyn's gentle embrace, because no one held onto him that way, except for her. Even Caden's parents didn't give a damn about him, they just let him be, always busy with parties and work. It angered him as a child that he wasn't loved like all the other boys and girls at school, so he got into fights and cursed and hated everyone, until Evelyn came to his school. She was a hidden angel. He would watch her from the corners, as she gave out snoopy band-aids to kids that have fallen or gotten hurt. She would carry kids to the nurses office if they couldn't walk. He wanted to be her friend, but he knew he couldn't because she was too kind and gentle, he was too rough and angry, until she approached him...

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