Mai Has Her Heart Broken

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Waking up curled around Mitsunari, the sun filtering into their tent through cracks between fabric, the smell of dew in the air, a serene quiet lying heavy over camp, was possibly the Best Experience Ever. Mai woke up first, so she had a private view of Mitsunari's tousled hair, downy soft and glinting in sunlight. His relaxed face, that cute beauty mark, his long lashes, the lips she could still taste from last night. If she had her way, Mai could live in that moment forever.

Until Mitsuhide called out to them from outside the tent. "Mitsunari~, Mai~, we have an urgent meeting soon, you two ought to get dressed."

God, was it infuriating he knew they were naked. Stupid Mitsuhide with his stupid sly intelligence and his stupid enjoyment of messing with people. Get a better hobby, damn.

Mai slid out of her bedroll and slipped on clothes. Someone - probably Hideyoshi, Nobunaga, or Shingen - had left a gorgeous hakama with her other clothes. The top was pearly white with pale yellow, red, and green blossoms. The bottom was a rich magenta that darkened the lower it went, with bright pink flowers embroidered on the side. It was expensive, impractical, and overall much too fancy to wear anyplace but formal ceremonies.

Mai put it on anyway. There was an alliance now, so the fighting was over, and Kennyo was in custody. She could allow herself some indulgences.

After running a finger through her hair and washing out her mouth, Mai shook Mitsunari's shoulder. "Mitsunari," she said, half whispering. "Mitsunari, you need to wake up. There's a meeting."

The soft hum he made while he opened his eyes melted Mai's heart. "Mai," he murmured, rubbing his eyes and sitting up. The blanket pooled at his waist, exposing his chest. "Good morning. You look beautiful."

Mai blushed. "You too," then, "you really need to get ready, though."

"Help me?"

With such an angelic voice, who could say no?

Mitsunari pulled on his clothes while Mai combed though his hair, still using her fingers. Mitsunari absently reached out to tighten the knot on her hakama. She relished the intimacy of the moment; just him and her, waking up together, getting dressed, tidying each other up. Mai could do it every morning for a thousand years.

When they stepped outside, multiple soldiers clapped. Mai had a sinking suspicion it was not because of Mitsunari's rescue mission. Mitsunari remained oblivious.

Other than the unneeded fanfare, the camp was calm. A few men stood over fires and cooked rice, others carried weapons and supplies around. Some yawned. Yoshiki and Hinata were sitting near a fire, still mostly asleep when Mai exited the tent. In less time than it takes to blink, the two darted towards her, Mai Sense activated.

"Princess!" Both of them shouted at the same time.

"Good morning! How did you sleep? You look stunning in that hakama," said Hinata, vibrating like a hamster after drinking twelve shots of espresso.

Yoshiki handed her a warm bowl of rice with soy sauce. There were massive bags under his eyes, and his skin was pale. "I procured you breakfast, Princess. I noticed how bland plain rice was, so I took the liberty of purchasing soy sauce from the nearest town last night."

Last night?! But Yoshiki was still in the camp when Mai went to bed last night! "What - Yoshiki! Did you get any sleep at all?!"

Abject confusion. "I returned before dawn and slept until the sun was fully risen. I assure you, my reflexes are sharp enough to protect you, Princess!"


Mai stared.


Yoshiki yawned.

A Good Deed Gone UnpunishedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang