Mai Meets A Misogynist

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Four days into her stay in Azuchi, Mai woke up with a mouthful of cat. She sat up slowly, careful not to scare him away but in desperate need of fresh air. The cat simply rolled down her front onto her thighs, laser-blue eyes blinking at her, body vibrating with content purrs. He had soft, gray fur that felt warm and comforting against her fingers. Mai didn't know how the little guy got into her room, but she was thrilled. There was something soothing about petting an animal. With all the insane happenings around her, she was glad for the simple stability the cat brought.

"Sorry, kiki, I need to get up," Mai whispered, sliding her lap out from under him. The cat made a soft noise of displeasure but otherwise didn't react. Now that Mai was awake, she quickly readied herself for work. She slid into a pink and purple hakama with plum blossoms spiraling up the sleeves, and ran a hand through her hair. While she wished she was at her modern job, Mai couldn't deny she'd prefer working with Mitsunari over the other, grumpier warlords.

A maid came by just as she stepped out of her room. Mai was quickly befriending the castle staff; they were kind and patient with her, plus they had plenty of juicy castle gossip to keep Mai entertained.

Although some part of Mai wondered if the staff was only acting sweet to her because of her position. Maybe they secretly despised her. Mai would be bitter herself if some stranger popped in and became her boss without any qualifications.

The maid, whom's name was Misako, flashed a reserved smile as Mai exited into the hall. "Lady Mai, good morning. I was just about to fetch you."

Mai met Misako's greeting with her own smile. "Aha, Miss Misako! Thank you for getting me, I'm worried about getting lost."

The two started down the hall, Misako waving her hand in a dismissive fashion. "Please, Lady Mai, you don't need to refer to me so formally." Her eyebrows pinched together. "Was that Kitty in your room?"


"Lord Mitsunari's cat."

Lord Mitsunari had a cat? "Lord Mitsunari has a cat? He seems a bit too absent-minded to care for an animal."

Misako laughed, politely covering her mouth with her hand. "Kitty is more of an unofficial pet. He comes and goes as he pleases, but he prefers Lord Mitsunari's attention over others'."

Ah, that made sense. Any pet of Mitsunari's would need a certain degree of self-sufficiency.

Misako led Mai to Mitsunari's quarters, wishing Mai good luck and departing with a bow. Today was her first day of work, after spending the previous three days moving in. She was nervous. Telling a grown man - a warlord at that - when to take a nap or eat his meals like he's a child felt wrong on so many levels.

Pretend you're talking to your little brother, Mai thought, attempting to steel herself. She knocked on the door. "Lord Mitsunari?"

No response.

A louder knock. "Lord Mitsunari?" Mai was quickly losing her nerve. Why wasn't Mitsunari responding?

Oh god, what if he was dead?!

Mai pushed the door aside, half expecting to find Mitsunari's body on the floor like a cheesy murder mystery show, but he was sitting in direct view on the door reading. Had he seriously not heard her?

"Lord, um... Lord M-Mitsunari?" The absurdity of her situation had insulated her from her normal skittish attitude. With the novelty wearing off, though, Mai's typical shyness was returning. Tentative, she waved a hand between his face and his book.

Mitsunari smiled. Mai thought she'd gotten his attention, but-

"Not yet, silly Kitty. I'm at a good part." Eyed not leaving the pages, one hand found her head and threaded his fingers through her hair. Oh, oh god, he thought she was his cat. How could any human being be so detached from reality?! Mortification smoldered through her, offset by the fact that Mitsunari's pets actually felt really good.

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