Jerky assholes who hide behind a computer screen!

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1.What do you go by on wattpad?


2.What genre or type of pieces do you write on wattpad?

All poetry, all night long. ; )

3. Have you ever dealt with a wattpad hater? If so what was your experience?

Yes just once. Some douche sent me a private message and said i was a crappy poet and that i needed to find a new hobby other than writing. It pissed me off majorly to the point where i very rarely get on wattpad anymore. I mean i don't want sum doucheshnozzle talkin shit to me when i did nothing to him!

4.What would you like to say to all current wattpad hater's who continue to bash other people?

Get a goddamn life already! people write their own stuff to express themselves. and when you say some rude ass comment on it you freaking shit all over creativity! Don't pretend to be a critiquer either cause we all know your not!

6. What would you like to say to any future wattpad hater's?

Try me! just try me! i'm one super fast pace ass kickin biatch that don't play! i will karatasize yo ass!

7. Is their any of your writtings you'd like to boast?

Hellz yeah! My poem Heavy Metal Love is the best poem you'll ever read ever!

8. In 8 words or less, describe your haters.

Jerky assholes who hide behind a computer screen!


Check out this writer by clicking her name in the dedication box!

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