Chapter 1

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Natash wake up there is a couple coming in to adopt someone in about 20 minutes hurry up get ready. Thats all I was able to hear before jumping out of bed and running to the shower.

Not very many people want to adopet me lets look I am 16 and when I am adopted I am usually abused and they get sent away and I am back in the adoption house. I have been wanting to get amacipated I talked to my adaption home they said its a good chance because I have about five hundred fifty dollars saved up.

I get out of the shower and put on a lose shirt that said "Rebel" across the front. I put on some skinny jeans and some galexie patterned vans. I straightened my hair and Put on a black beanie. I put on eye liner and mascara. I made my way down the steps of the building and into the dinning area. I see my only friend here we came at about the same time we have been through everything with each other. I pull up a chair and sit down next to her. everyone haas their own chores mine was to clean bathrooms on Fridays and Tuesdays and clean the main room on Monday and Thursday.

Today was Friday that ment I had to clean the bathrooms. There are only seven of us living her plus two adults. Everyone did their chores and them the cuple walked through the door. Would today be my lucky day will I be adopted?

"Then couple will meet with you individually then you will reture to you room and wait for news." said our adoption house mother, Juliet.

"Hi my name is Kate, and this is Josh," The lady said.

"I am Natasha but people call me tasha for short," I replied.

We talked about me, my goals, how I ended up here, and them, there life. Then I was sent back to my room and

***About 3 hours later***


"Coming," "On my way," "Yep," we all replyed

"It seems that Kate and Josh have decided who they want to adopted," Juliet told us.

"Natasha will you please pack your things my husband Josh and I would LOVE to adopted you." Kate told me

"I will be able to come back and see my friends right?" I asked to make sure

"Of course we would hate to adopted you but take you from all your friends here," she replied

I went up staris to pack I didn't have alot of things I had two out fits one dress three pair of shoes a phone and my laptop and camera. It may sound like a lot but the out fits and dress were givent to me by the older kids here so my shoes phone camera laptop are the only things that are mine. Oh and my skateboard.

Then I went to the bathroom to get the stuff that I bought with my money from my job. I was in the bathroom when Andrew walked up to me to say good bye everyone in the house had a phone so we all texted. While Andrew and I talked I packed my eye shadow, blush, eye liner, mascara, and lipstick in my make up bag. After I finished that I grabed a purse and put my brush hair ties bobbie pins and flat clips in with my flat iron and curler. I grabed my face wash and treatment along with my tooth brush. I gave Andrew a hug and went down stairs.

It may sound like I have a lot but all the stuff from the bathroom and two pair of shoes I bought with the money I got from my job. I had the money and things for if I ever got amacipated. Turns out I got adopted instead I huged all the people at the adoption house and we even cried when I had to leave but they were all happy I was getting adopted.


Thanks for reading. Share on your social media. Get your friends to read it sorry if it is bad I have one other story called Out Of My Leauge. I hope you liked it I will try to update weekly. Thanks everyone XOXO

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