Chapter 4

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It's Monday and I have to go to a new school which means new friends.

I woke up at 5:45 to get ready. I took a shower last night so I didn't take one in the morning. I got up and put on a shirts that said "Too glam to give a damn" I put on some black leggings and my black ugg boots. I put my hair in a pony tail and curled the part that feel out. I put on some foundation, eyeliner, and mascara. I went down stairs and made some chocolate chip waffles. I got in the car with Kate and she drove me to school.

~1st hour~

"Hey you must be new I am Mrs.Jones," said my teacher.
"Yeah I am I am Natasha, but I go by Tasha" I replies
"Well you can sit right over there,"
"Okay thanks"

The day kinda flew by Kate picked me up from school and we drove home. We got home and Josh rushed up to Kate and hugged her.

"Why are you so excited,"Kate asked
"Because my job wants to transfer me to Los Angeles, California" Josh said excitedly
"Honey that's great,"Kate replied
"So wait does that mean we are moving across country?" I asked
"Yeah sweetie we are" Kate and Josh said
"Honey they want me there in 2 weeks" Josh said
"That means we better start packing" Kate said handing me a suit case.

I smiled and went to my room. I didn't have a lot of stuff but I did have more here then I did at the adoption home. WAIT what about my friends at the adoption home. I continued packing and thinking about everything. I should talk to Kate about everything. I called her up to my room so I could talk to her and I told her she said we would come back and visit. I didn't know what to do I fake smiled and nodded and she left to start packing. I was almost done packing my Little things and I haven't even started on my clothes but I was getting tired so I got diner took a shower and went to bed I would ditch school tomorrow to finish packing anyways not like I would go back I would start a new school in California. I went to bed thinking about how good an dhow bad this move could be for all of us. I woke up screaming another bad dream or maybe this time it wasn't am I really moving to California??

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Thanks for reading part 6 will be up after ten reads sorry this chapter was so boring next chapter will be better.    

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