Chapter 17:You've got to be KIDding me!

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A few days later, No POV

Dane has gone home by now to tell his pack what is known. Everything has settled down especially since the other kingdoms have left the vampires or the forests alone. Fallacy and Dane have been making plans and preparations anyway, knowing it won't last. 

Encre and Fallacy have been spending much more time together. Both of them are happy together and to know they share the same feelings. Encre has healed already, his wounds are now just scars fading on his face. Fallacy will often tease Encre but Encre will tease right back until next thing ya know one of them is being carried by the other to bed after passing out when SOMEONE pulls the flirt card in the battle of teasing. But it's all out of love. Very innocent. Fallacy isn't used to it as much, it's been years, decades since he has been like this. Encre on the other hand was quick to adapt to their new relationship. Fallacy's happiness mattered and Fallacy made him happy so what could be wrong? This results in Encre having to get help carrying Fallacy to bed or being stuck under the vampire king after he faints from being so flustered. Every now and then Fallacy gets to carry his beloved rainbow to bed, but it's more because Encre is tired, Fallacy wants to carry him, more often than the reason being that Encre fainted. 

Charlos jokingly has kept a scoreboard of this. Each of the them get a point everytime they get the other to faint and in need to be taken to bed. Encre is winning already when Charlos tallied it. 

Score: Encre 12-4  Fallacy 

"How the heck did you get me to faint three times as I have gotten you to?"Fallacy asked when he saw this

"Hehe, a lover never reveals those secrets. Remember your son told your weak spots to me, and not all of them are physical. Besides, mon amour, you have so much to learn.~"Encre replied with a chuckle and wink

This resulted in Fallacy fainting with his face a blushing mess. Mon amour is one of his weak spots. He loves hearing Encre call him it, but Encre uses that to an advantage. And even though he loves being called it, he cannot always handle being called it. This resulting in him crashing on the floor.

Score: Encre 13-4 Fallacy

Suave has been Felicia's guide since her senses has casued her problems like leading her into walls when she thought Jasper was standing there. Jasper has been sneaking around. The grandmas have been chilling and knitting. Classique is traveling again. Rufous has been in his forge, working again. Azure has been spending time getting to know the other vampires like Geno or Reaper. He learned that Reaper loves to mess with Geno but that's how the two vampire lovers interact. Yep, they're boyfriends. Poussière has kept a close eye on Azure, not wanting any of the vampires to get any funny ideas with the ex-guard. Azure considers himself an ex-guard since he no longer serves as the guard he was to King Asgore, but others think he's still a guard to his friends. He agrees and so people title him Azure the F-guard or guard of friends. The other vampires do not try anything with him, they see the mark on his neck. Charlos even does Poussière a favor of making sure no funny ideas are done when Poussière cannot watch over Azure. Azure spends some of his time helping the other vampires build with Rufous. Soon, a small vampire village was made near the castle deep in the forest.

But one day, everything changed.

Jasper had been overseeing all of this happen over the past few days. He got curious, plus it was April so he began to scheme. He wanted to test his father and see if he learned his lesson. So, he made some special batches of chocolate cookies, left them out in the open with a note and waited for the results to come. Suave noticed he was up to no good, so came over to question him. Jasper ran off, not wanting to be stopped midway. Suave chased after him, not taking a moment to notice the chocolates and note.

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