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a situation where every possible move or decision is a bad one or one that will result in damage or loss.

~🎲 ~

Excerpt from  Z U G Z W A N G :

The last week had been hard on Nick. He had been at a loss since bringing Aviana back to the clubhouse. After calming down from her nightmare, she had promptly closed herself off to him and had refused to come out of her room. It was a struggle just getting her to eat something and he had resorted to placing a tray of food outside of her room, knocking once and then leaving because that was the only way she would take it.

He felt like they had taken one step forward then five steps back and they were at square one once again. Not to mention the fact that Kodiak was getting on his case about Aviana's father. They still didn't know who he was or if it had even been him and it was driving Nick crazy. He had talked to some of the contacts the club had within the police force and had convinced them to find a way to get their hands on the security footage from Rosie's Diner that day, but the process was taking up more time than Nick had patience. He had wanted it to be sorted by now. To have had Aviana's father dealt with or at least have preparations in place to do so. Instead, he could do nothing more than sit around and rely on the promises of other people.

Nick hadn't realised how much of a fixture Aviana was beginning to be in his life, but now that he did, it was taking its toll on him. He now found himself seated in a corner booth in the clubhouse bar, a corner he had frequented before Aviana had come into his life. The turmoil in his stomach reminded him of withdrawals, a feeling he was all too familiar with. He had grappled with addiction for years after returning from his service and that knowledge was what led him to the realisation that he had formed a whole new addiction. Instead of getting lost in the bottom of a glass as he had before, he had gotten lost in her. She had numbed him to every harsh reality, allowing him to forget the world he lived in for a time. Most of all, she had allowed him to forgive himself for the terrible things he had done. He had bared his soul to her and she had accepted it wholeheartedly, making him see himself in a whole different light.

But without her, the light went out.

~🎲 ~

Have no fear, this is not the end of the chapter.

It's simply a teaser for what you'll find if you read the whole chapter on Inkitt by searching for my book or simply clicking on the link in the description on my profile page.

Not only will swapping platforms bring you the rest of the chapter, but it'll also show some serious love to your writer here.

She will love you forever if you do it. ❤

I'll still be updating on Wattpad, don't worry. Inkitt is just gonna be a few chapters ahead.

Thank you guys, and I'll see you next chapter.

Thank you guys, and I'll see you next chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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