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the warmth of the sun in winter.


T H E  W A R M T H  from Gunner's hands seeped into Aviana's skin, her eyes closing as the sensation melted away every inch of tension from her body.

"What happened?" his voice soothed her erratic heartbeat enough for her to answer - though she couldn't seem to find the words to say.

With a shaky breath, Aviana clenched her fists harder around the material of his shirt, squeezing her eyes shut. She didn't know how to tell him. Even if she did, she was afraid of what he would say. Would he think she was crazy? Would he label her as broken and imperfect?

Gunner's thumb traced the line of her cheekbone before tilting her face in a way she knew meant 'look at me.' With hesitance, Aviana opened her eyes and was met with a furrowed brow and concern flickering through stormy eyes. He wasn't going to let her go without an answer, she realised. Her breath caught in her throat as anxiety filled her stomach.

He wouldn't judge her. He wouldn't.

Aviana remembered the way he had handled her panicked state so calmly before. It was as if he knew exactly how she felt - knew exactly what she had gone through.

'They help me sleep.'

Aviana's eyes widened as the memory struck her. He had known exactly what had happened to her. He knew exactly how to calm her down, practically told her he used the same methods.

She focused on Gunner's face, searching.
She found it.

The underlying pain masked by the cold disinterest he held himself with and the permanent frown he always seemed to wear. But Aviana could see it. The way his jaw clenched and the heavy look in his eyes - she knew that feeling. He had his own demons, just as she did hers. With that knowledge came a sense of kinship; he understood her pain and she understood his.

It was that feeling that compelled her mouth to open and for the truth to spill out.
"I feel him," her voice was choked and harsh as she pushed the syllables past her tongue - the first words she had spoken to him that weren't drenched in screams and sobs. Her eyes squeezed closed as shivers erupted all over her body. "Everywhere."

A heavy intake of breath told Aviana that Gunner understood what she had said. It wasn't really a surprise since he had been the one to save her from that place - he must have had some idea of the things she had experienced there.

Gunner said nothing, simply allowed her to tug herself closer as his hands laid motionless on her biceps. Aviana's breathing was harsh as she buried her face into his shirt, still shaking from the effects of her panic. A few moments later, Gunner gently rubbed her arms once before pulling her away slightly to see her face.

"He's gone," his voice blanketed her shivering body with warmth.

Aviana nodded numbly, her eyes still closed as she relished in the sound of his voice. How did something that would usually terrify her make her feel so safe?

The exhaustion from two episodes and whatever pills he had given her started to kick in. Her eyes began to grow heavy as she sagged in Gunner's hold.

Gunner reajusted his stance to support her better before letting out a deep breath. He drew her arm over his shoulders, ushering her to his side before encouraging her forward. He took a step forward, and while Aviana attempted to move her feet, it seemed like they were weighed down by lead. After another few steps, it was clear that his plan wasn't going to work.

Aviana (MC Riders #1)Where stories live. Discover now