-2- I'm a comp-...wait -2-

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▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Colin p.o.v. █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁

"Ow..." I groaned and opened my eyes, but quickly shut them, this has to be the worst headache i've ever had.

I heard a somebody say something, but I didn't understand. I just attempted to push myself up off the freezing floor-


..or at least I was attempting. Before I was oh-so-rudely kicked in the ribs-


Well crap.

I remember why I have a headache.

The voice says something again, but listening isn't my priority right now. I need to figure out who is talking to me, and if they can help me out of here.

Sketch would never hurt me on purpose, Neither would Larry, Gilbert doesn't have the guts,  and Tony is well, perfect.

Who in this house hates me, and isn't afraid to try and hurt me...


"You despicable pile of junk!"

"I will kill you if it's the last thing I do."

"Red! You can't beat him!"


Ah, yes. You blow up someone's head once or twice and suddenly they hate you forever! I could've made it permanent!

....most of the time I didn't even do it on purpose anyways.

He must be trying real hard to stay calm. His voice is very monotone. It would probably be better if I didn't try to get up again.

"S-So, Red." I'm going to try and be friendly, 'Don't Poke The Bear'...heh
"Today has been p-p-pretty wi-wild, huh?"

Oh god that didn't work-
I just barely open my eyes, only to see that this dude has me by the neck. And he does not look happy.

I can feel my feet dragging on the ground, so I try to stand, but standing with bones is way too uncomfortable.

This is awful, i'm in pain all over this meatsack I've been trapped in, and I could quite possibly be getting killed!

"I'm taking you downstairs. Don't try anything."

....So he's going to kill me in front of my friends? Weird, but considering what we've all done to his family, it's valid.

Anyhow, i'm very glad Red walks fast, I haven't really had lungs before, i'm not quite sure how to store air, and i'm pretty sure i'm starting to run out.

"Red he can't breathe!" Greene? I mean, he only really dislikes the kitchen crew.

There's a bunch of different voices, and I can feel the shaggy carpet against my face as I drop to the floor.

All the sound around me melts together, its too loud, somebody is trying to shake me, it burns, this is too much. I'm also 99.9 percent sure im actually starting to overheat.

This has to be a dream.
It has to be.

Larry must think this is a sick joke, huh? Red almost killing me?
Have we fought at all lately?

This can't be real. This isn't real. I'll just go to my Digital World and calm down for a bit, and talk to Larry in the morning.




It's taking quite a while to load...




WHy 15nT 1t w0Rk1Ng-

I gasp like somebody who's breathing for the first time right after drowning.
After a few breaths I slowly sit up (breathing feels disgusting by the way).

I didn't start working the lungs by myself. It must've been this body's last ditch effort to not die.

My eyes are open now. I can't look up. I'm not going to.

This whole thing has been overwhelmingly embarrassing. I'm one of the most powerful teachers here, and now I can't do zip!

If this is a dream...

...i really wanna wake up.

▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ no p.o.v. █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁

"What were you thinking!" Greene yelled at his partner, genuine anger flashing in his tone.

"That thing is one of them! What did you expect me to do!?"

The green-haired man clenched his fists and gestured to the living room with one hand.

"I expected you to not kill him in front of all of them! Or kill him at all for that matter!"

"Are you serious?"
Red's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Have you forgotten what they all did to us? To Danny?"

"No, I remember perfectly well! And keep Danny out of this!"

Red crossed his arms. "Why. He just recently started going into the kitchen again, how do you think he's going to react to this?"

Greene was silent. He let his arms drop to his sides as tears began pricking at the corners of his eyes. He heard a sigh and felt two arms wrap around him in a strong hug.

"I'll pick him up from school, alright?"

No response.

"If you want I can tell the teachers to leave you alone for a bit?"

"no," sniff "it's alright. Somebody has to make sure the computer doesn't have another panic attack." Greene gave a weak laugh and pulled away.
"You better get going..."

They both nodded at eachother and Red  used the back door to go outside, obviously wanting to avoid the living room.

With Red gone again, and no objects in sight, Greene sat on the floor behind the kitchen island and let the tears he'd been holding back all day fall.

Back in the living room...

After Colin started breathing and sat up, Sketch kept trying to talk to him, to make sure he was okay. But it was to no avail, he wasn't responding to anyone.

The energy in the whole house was tense. Everyone was confused, and scared, some people having obviously less...positive ways of dealing with things.

It didn't matter what Red thought of the teachers. They knew they weren't like that anymore, and Danny had just begun to believe that.

Everyone really really hoped that the kid remembered when he got home from school.

(DHMIS "Human" AU) THIS HOUSE IS A FUCKING NIGHTMAREWhere stories live. Discover now