Chapter Eleven

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Large time skip: Two months later...


It had been a long couple of months for Clyde. Ever since his visit to Craig's house, his friends thought that they had solved whatever problem was bothering him. But unfortunately, they were dead wrong. Clyde continued to corrupt his eating habits, making things worse by every passing day. He would eat less and less, avoiding food at any cost. Distancing himself from his friends, hiding out in the bathrooms during lunch, and fake-sleeping to get out of having to eat dinner.

At this point, he was barely eating a thing a day, even going some days without consuming a single piece of food. He would simply fill up on water throughout the day, and try to sleep and cry away all his pain.

And now, he was in his bathroom, checking his weight for the first time in a while. He had decided to weigh himself only once every few weeks, that way he could see more progress being done and not get discouraged.

"Hm," Clyde said as he stepped off the scale to see the number. "124." He smiled, but his joy left as suddenly as it had come. He stepped back and looked into the bathroom mirror. "That's around six pounds less than the last time I checked. 33 pounds overall. I really thought I'd be happier about this..." He let out a deep sigh. Although this was quite a lot, it still wasn't enough for him. Not enough for him to feel content with himself, that is.

He flicked the bathroom light off and left the room. He began to feel light-headed on his way down the stairs, causing him to sway a little bit and have to sit down on a step. He held his head in his hands and closed his eyes. "Ugh..." He groaned, quiet enough that his father couldn't hear from the kitchen. He took a breath and stood back up slowly, holding onto the stair's railing for better balance.

He made his way down the stairs and wandered into the kitchen where his dad was. His father gave him a quick glance, then turned back around to tend to whatever he was cooking for breakfast. "I can't keep giving you rides to school," He said out of the blue. "You're causing me to be late for work. You need to learn how to be responsible and wake up at a reasonable time so you don't miss the bus."

"Okay," Clyde said simply. "Actually, I don't need a ride today. I just need to borrow a belt?"

"A belt?" Mr. Donovan repeated. "You never wear belts."

"I-I know, but I just need one I think."

Mr. Donovan looked his son up and down. "Hm. Been working out or something?"

"Uh... yeah," Clyde hesitated.

"Second to highest shelf in my closet. There's a light brown one that should work."

Clyde nodded and turned to go back up the stairs. He went up slowly to hopefully avoid getting light-headed again. He went into his father's room and took the belt out of his closet. He slid it through the loopholes of his now baggy jeans and tightened it to fit him.

Clyde left the house and walked down to the bus stop. His stomach ached and he felt very tired, although he had slept well the night before. While walking, he felt like he was in a dream. A painful dream, but a dream nonetheless. It wasn't peaceful, it felt unreal. Like he was living out a foggy memory, and nothing around him was fully processed. He arrived at the bus stop still feeling dazed. "I'm so tir~ed..." He groaned.

"Dude, literally all you ever do is sleep," Craig said. "Whenever we wanna hang out, it's always 'I'm gonna take a nap' or 'I need to sleep first'. How are you still tired?"

"I dunno," Clyde answered monotonously as the bus pulled up. He sat in his normal seat in the back next to the window and waited for Token to sit next to him, as usual.

What's Wrong With Me | TYDE/CREEK | South Park Fanfiction ✔️Where stories live. Discover now