Chapter Nine

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Clyde kneeled on the floor of a small bathroom stall. He stared into his bag at the food he had packed for himself. He took each piece of food out one by one and dropped it into the toilet. "Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye," He muttered as he let go of each item. Once he was all out, he flushed the toilet and sighed, watching all those calories disappear into the pipes. He closed his bag and checked his wristwatch. Lunch was going to end in about five minutes, he decided to just wait it out for the time being. He brought a sleeve to his face and wiped his tears away, as he had been crying out of pure guilt.

When he heard the bell ring, he stood up and inhaled before lifting his bag and exiting the stall. He gave his hands a wash and splashed some cold water onto his face, then wiped himself off with some of those crappy brown paper towels public school bathrooms have. He tossed the dampened paper towels into the garbage and left the bathroom, going down to his next class.

He walked into the classroom and frowned, remembering that Token was not in this class with him. Then he realized that maybe that was a good thing, after all, if Token wasn't there he couldn't ask why Clyde left the cafeteria and skipped lunch.

He sat down in a seat near the back, in between Bebe and some other chick. Considering the fact that Bebe was one of his exes, Clyde would've preferred to sit anywhere else. But it was the only empty seat, so he'd just have to deal with it for the time being. He set his bag on the floor and stared frontwards, resting his head on his fist. Out the corner of his eye, he saw Bebe leaning over to him to say something.

"Now, Clyde," She started, speaking quietly. "I know you miss me, but you've got to stop trying to chase after me. I'm over our breakup, and I think it's about time you moved on too."

Clyde stared at her. "I don't miss you, Bebe. And I'm not chasing after you. There are no other seats available, but you're too narcissistic and self-centered to see past yourself into the actual situation. And trust me, I would rather be sitting anywhere else."

Bebe rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. Quit trying to sound all intelligent, we all know you're a dumbass, so you can stop with your desperate attempt to sound smart now."

Clyde huffed and turned back to face forward, not in the mood to deal with Bebe's bullshit at that moment. He heard her mutter something to the girl next to her, not quite being able to make out what exactly it was. After another minute or so, the teacher finally got to talking.


It was now around 2:06 pm and classes had just ended. Now the gang was walking down the sidewalk, going to each of their houses one by one as usual. The first one would be Clyde's, as he lived the closest to the school. Now he, Token, and Jimmy were all third-wheeling Tweek and Craig's weird conversation.

"How does liking hot dogs make you gay? Please elaborate," Tweek said.

"Because hot dogs are shaped like a dick, and if you like eating something shaped like a dick, you are gay," Craig explained matter-of-factly.

"Gh! And if that is your reasoning behind what makes someone gay, then you are stupid," Tweek said in the same matter-of-fact tone back.

"'Gahah! You- ngh! Are s-stupid' bitch shut the fuck up," Craig said with a head twitch, mimicking Tweek. Tweek glared up at him.

"Okay, g-get a room you two," Jimmy muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah," Token agreed. "When you two are alone is the time to have one-on-one conversations, not while walking in a group."

"Okay, then we'll include you guys," Craig decided. "Clyde, does liking hotdogs make you gay?"

Clyde, who had been lost in thought, stared at Craig cluelessly. "Huh?"

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