𝖆𝖉𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓 - 2

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I wake up to my phone ringing. Who the hell would be calling me at 10 am?!

Then again, it is 10 am.

I groggily picked up the phone and mustered out a 'hello.'

"Hey, (Y/N)!" An energetic voice practically yelled from the other end.

"Hi, yeah, who is this? I wiped my contacts about a month ago," I replied.

A laugh emitted from the other end, before fading off and sounding a bit sad.

"You really don't remember me...?" The voice was suddenly softer.

It finally clicked in my head who I was talking to.

"Chuuya! Hey, I'm so sorry I couldn't tell it was you at first. How have you been?" I asked, trying to revive the conversation and his usual good spirit.

"Well, I guess I've been alright. But I'm wondering where the hell you've been for the last month and a half!" He yelled, shocking me awake.

My heart sank. Had he not heard?

"Chuuya, did nobody tell you?"

"Huh? Tell me what?"

"I resigned from the Port Mafia," I said with a hint of sadness in my voice.

Chuuya fell silent. I'm guessing he didn't know how to feel or what to say. Honestly, I don't blame him. For someone you've spent years with as a right-hand after his old partner left the mafia as well, I can only imagine how he feels.

"...I'm coming over," Chuuya said right before he hung up the phone.

I quickly fixed up my bed and the rest of my room, remembering the rest of my apartment was perfectly fine for Chuuya's presence. Maybe not anyone else's.

I heard the doorbell from the kitchen.

"Come in!" I called out to the person at the door.

Chuuya made his way through the door. He kicked off his shoes and ran right towards me, throwing his arms around me.

I chucked, patting him on the back.

"Woah there kiddo, everything alright?" I asked him with a smile.

He released his grip from me but kept a hand on my shoulders.

"(Y/N), after a solo mission you up and completely left the Port Mafia, and the only person you gave a 'goodbye' to was Akutagawa. You expect me to be fine?" He said while shaking my shoulders.

"Okay, okay, calm down, let's sit and talk about it," I replied, making my way to the couch.

Chuuya followed and took a seat beside me. He looked at me eagerly expecting me to tell the story of why I left the mafia.

"Well," I began with a sigh. "The boss picked out a mission he said only I could do. I was a bit skeptical at first but accepted it anyway. The mission required me to take down a bunch of drug dealers that were supposedly dealing to children. I thought it wasn't too bad, right?"

Chuuya nodded, waiting for me to continue.

"When I arrived at the mission site, my heart dropped. I think Mori got the wrong information because I only saw kids present. My first assumption was that the kids were the drug dealers. It was a good-sized room, with a massive computer desk near the back. There were a few couches and a T.V, as well as a few small workbenches. The kids were no older than 12, and the one at the computer looked to be 17. I went up to the one at the computer and asked him questions based on the information I received. He told me with teary eyes that he and his brothers were put up to this for money and a place to live. I felt horrible and asked him where the person behind it was."

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