Chapter 6: Unexpected Partners

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In Barstow, Nevada, there was a truck stop that hardly anyone went to. A few people were inside today; two eating sandwiches, until both of them spat out their food in disgust. A waitress was pouring coffee for another customer.

But in the gumball machine, something happened that nobody saw. One second, it was filled with normal gumballs. The next, all of the fairies were in there as gumballs. Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof were at the top.

"Ah! Where are we?" Wanda asked, confused. She looked around. "The last thing I remember is Jorgen pulling us out of Timmy's trilogy wish."

"And the last thing I remember, is you saying the last thing you remember is Jorgen pulling us out of Timmy's trilogy wish!" Cosmo quickly added.

"We're in a gumball machine!" Another gumball fairy, Cupid added in fear.

"I hope we're sugarless!" Another one, Tooth Fairy added.

"Every fairy in Fairy World must be in here!" Cosmo yelled.

"I'm more of a fireball than a gumball." Juandissimo added. "At least we're not at the bottom like Binky."

"Hi guys." The fairy in question, Binky said, down from all the way at the bottom of the gumball machine.

"Well, I don't know why Jorgen put us in here, but we're getting out!" Wanda said with determination. Then she realized something very important. "Oh no! Our wands are gone!"

"And our hands are gone!" Cosmo added.

"But at least we're safe." Tooth Fairy said.

A couple seconds later, they heard a heavy footstep. And then another. More footsteps were heard, each one getting closer to the machine. When all of the fairies looked up, they saw a kid with glasses looking at the gumball machine with a smile on his face.

"Not safe!" Cosmo yelled in fear.

The kid got a quarter out of his pocket and put it into the machine, allowing him to get one of the gumballs. Specifically, the one that was Binky. Binky screamed as the kid picked him up.

"Oh no! He got Binky!" The fairies yelled.

"I don't want to be a gumball!" Binky yelled, as the kid tossed him in his mouth. Binky screamed while the kid was chewing him.

"Ah! The horror!" The fairies yelled. The kid pulled out some more quarters from his pocket. "Ah! The quarters!"


And so, Mario came to learn his stupendous new ability.

But there was no time to celebrate; Mario still had a Pure Heart to find.

The trail ahead was overrun with savage beasts.

"Follow me." Tippi said, as she flew toward the mountain that loomed ahead.

The Pure Heart was hidden somewhere on the other side.

Mount Lineland didn't look inviting to Mario and Tippi, due to the enemies that sprinkled the area. Mario looked up and saw the tall mountain ahead.

"I feel that the Pure Heart is beyond this mountain...but it's still far, far away," Tippi said. "Something tells me you'll need to put that new skill of yours to use."

"Well, looks like we have ourselves a mountain to climb." Mario said with a chuckle.

The start of the climb was rough. Mario had to use his flipping power to be able to hit a switch that would let him start the climb. They found a couple of new enemies, such as a Paratroopa and a red Koopa. Soon, they found this strange thing that appeared to be 2D boxes going in circles, sometimes intersecting with each other.

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