Chapter 5

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"Good morning, Aaron." Luciana greeted with her usual kiss on my cheek.

"Good morning, Ana. Where is Ivy?" I asked upon noticing that she wasn't in her mother's arm like usual.

"My parents came to visit so I let them spend some time with her." She said while heading to the kitchen.

"Oh. How long are they staying?"

"Just today. Where is Charlie?" She said while already starting on breakfast.

"He is sleeping in today."

"He sleeps in everyday." She said and a wicked smile appeared on her face.

"Do you have any makeup laying around here?" She asked and I nodded.

"I have some from my makeup collection." I said grinning when I caught onto her plan and went to get them.

"Wait. Let me go in first and see if he is decent." I told her once we were outside of her room and gestured her to come in after confirming he was for once dressed while asleep.

"Go crazy." I whispered to her handing her a eyeshadow palette and lipstick.

"I surely will." She whispered back and got into work. She messily put on some glittery shade on his eyes and put lipstick on his lips and cheeks and also managed to draw some stick figures on his face without waking him up. And while she was busy working on his face I took it upon myself to beautify his toenails using nail polish and bright pink at that.

"Let's go." I whispered once we were done with our art.

"Not before taking pictures." She said and snapped few pictures of him before leaving the room with me by her side.

"He is going to kill us." I said chuckling.

"I'll save your butt. Don't worry." She said with a wink and my smile widened at her playful tone.

"You better." I said before beginning to eat my breakfast as I was too hungry to wait up for that sleeping beauty to wake up. Ana munched onto some fruits while I ate to keep me company as she always ate her breakfast before coming here. By the time we were done a loud scream was heard from Charlie's room and we both looked at each other before bursting out in laughter.

"You assholes. What have you done to my pretty face?" He shouted from his room but we were way too busy laughing to say anything back. Around fifteen minutes later he appeared in the kitchen after washing off his face and looking pissed.

"I know you were the master mind behind this, you she devil." He accuses Ana who didn't bother playing innocent and instead smirked at him.

"That could be true."

"You better watch you back. And don't you try to corrupt my innocent brother. And how the hell do you I get rid of this shit." He asked pointing at his toenails.

"Dunno." Ana said with a shrug and I looked everywhere but him when he turned to me for answers.



"You can't do this to me. You must have the remover thingy for this."

"You know I don't keep each and every product I make in our house, right? You can find the nail polish remover in our store." I said and he groaned in frustration.

"It honesty looks good on you, Charlie." I said laughing at him and he looked like he was thinking of different ways to kill me.

"I hate you both." He grumbled before walking out.

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