Chapter 3

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Luciana went home soon after that as her parents who came to visit were leaving so she had to be with her baby. He had told her that the job offer still remained and she could bring her baby with her if she wants to and she had asked for time to think about it.  She had also promised to call or text him whenever she was free.

"So how did the first date go?" Charlie asked once they were on their way back home.

"It wasn't a date."

"Seemed like a date to me." Charlie said with a shrug.

"Well it wasn't. We are just friends as of right now. Heck, I'm not even sure she would call this friendship."

"She looked comfortable with you. What did you guys talk about for so long anyways?"

"Why would I tell you?" I asked and he gasped dramatically.

"Now I'm out, huh? So much for being the Cupid."

"A Cupid who could possibly get arrested." I snided earning a glare from him.

"You don't have to bring that up all the time, alright?" He said with a huff and hurried ahead to the car.

"Isn't a haircut long overdue for you?" Charlie asking looking at my shoulder length hair that I had in a man bun today .

"Nah. Let it be." I said with a shrug and he let stared at me sternly for few seconds before turning away knowing I won't change my mind.

"What do you want to do for the rest of the day?"

"I have some work to catch up with and I also have to tidy up my room." I said in distain.

"Good luck with that. I'm gonna take a nap in the meantime." Charlie said with a smirk and literally jumped into the couch.

"Lucky smurf." I muttered under my breath.

I received the first text from Luciana the next morning saying a casual 'good morning' and from there we texted back and forth and that day I used my phone more than I had used in the past decade. Charlie made sure to shadow me the whole day teasing me every second and making weird noises behind me.

When my physiotherapist came by I was more eager to be done with it quickly so that I could get back to my current talk with Luciana.

"So how did it go today?" Charlie asked once the session was over.

"It went well."

"That's good to hear. Do you want anything to eat?"

"No, I'm good. I have some pending works to finish. I'll do that now."

"I'll see you for dinner then."

"Okay." I said and went to my study where I spent the next several hours before dinner.

After having dinner with Charlie we parted our ways for the night. I went to my room and got into the bed on my own after months of practice. Having the habit of reading before I sleep, I took out the latest book I bought and began reading the first few pages of it before putting it aside. I then checked my phone to see a goodnight text from Luciana. With a smile on my face I replied to the text and put the phone away before laying down to sleep.

For the next couple of weeks we texted back and forth and I can now confidently say that we are good friends. We are now comfortable with speaking with each other without the fear of the other person's judgment. I asked her again about working with me and we decided to meet up to discuss further on the topic. Majority of our direct conversations were held in the park so we chose it as our meeting place.

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