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ALECTO CARROW WAS IN HIDING. More and more Death Eaters were being rounded up. The woman had taken Julianna Potter to Peru until everything had passed, setting up shop in a small Muggle village, much to her displeasure.

Alecto had no clue as to why the Dark Lord ordered her to take Julianna and raise her, but she did as she was told out of fear. She knew the measures Voldemort had taken to make sure he wouldn't truly die. And she knew if she did not carry out her task, she would pay.

Alecto said in an arm chair, Julianna tucked in her arms. The small girl had been screaming out for her parents for days, and it began to annoy the Death Eater. Alecto began to think of different names for the child, because she knew if Julianna kept her name, she would always have ties to the Potters.

"Kali." Alecto said softly. "In Hindu, Kali is the Goddess of Destruction and Death, I think that will fit you well, little one."


Remus sat in his small kitchen, looking numbly at the wall. He had tried so hard to tell James that Sirius was the traitor, that he should change the Secret Keeper. Why couldn't he have just listened? Deep down he thought, maybe, just maybe, that is wasn't Sirius. But the events that took place on October 31 proved otherwise.

Lily and James were dead. But worst of all, Julianna was dead. She was a baby, she didn't even have a chance to live, and now Harry would grow up without his parents and sister.

Remus threw his mug across the room, shattering against a wall. He flipped the table over and tore his flat apart. "Damnit, Sirius!" He yelled. "Why?"

He fell to the ground, becoming a sobbing mess in the floor. He had lost his brothers. Two were dead, and the other was dead to him. He had nothing left. Hell, he couldn't even take care of his best friends son all because of his lycanthropy. For hours, Remus cursed everything, Sirius, the moon, Fenrir Greyback, even his father before he finally passed out from exhaustion.


Alecto never thought, in her thirty-two years of living, that she would be raising a child, one that wasn't even hers, no less. And Merlin, was she needy. Almost every hour, Julianna would cry, whether it was because she was hungry, needing her nappy changed, or just because she was bored, Alecto would always get woken up.

"Kali," Alecto growled. "Stop with your incessant crying! What could you possibly be wailing over now? You've had your nappy changed, you've been fed, what more could you want?"

Julianna made grabbing motions towards the woman, begging to be held, tears staining her pink cheeks. Alecto sighed, picking up the toddler. The girl rested her face on Alecto's shoulder, sighing happily.

Everything felt weird to Alecto. she was never the motherly type of person, in fact, she hated kids. She didn't even like being in the same room as her baby cousins. But for some reason this felt different than with her cousins. She knew that this child was her responsibility, whether she liked it or not. And she didn't like it, but she knew she had to raise this baby. Because she was supposed to grow up to be Voldemort's soldier.

When Alecto heard Julianna start to snore, she gently set her down in her crib. However, not even ten minutes later, there was a knock at the door, causing Julianna to wake up and start crying. "Ugh." She sighed, running a hand through her hair. But the woman felt fear bubbling up in her stomach. It could be Aurors, here to arrest her for murder, kidnapping and Merlin knows what else. Alecto clutched her wand as she slowly made her way to the door, her footsteps were drowned out by the sound of Julianna's crying.

"Alecto?" A familiar male voice said from the other side of the door. "It's me. Let me in."

Alecto sighed in relief, throwing the door open. "Amycus. Thank Merlin it's you. Also, screw you for waking up the damn demons spawn!"

"Alecto, is that a baby crying? Since when did you have a baby?"Amycus asked in alarm.

"Yes, it is a baby crying. But it's not mine." Alecto admitted.

"Not - Not yours?! Alecto, what the hell is going on here?" Amycus growled, crossing his arms over his chest. "After You-Know-Who was defeated, the last thing I heard was that you fled the country and moved to Peru. At first I didn't believe it but. . . I guess the rumors were true. And for the love of Merlin, shut that child up, Lecty."

"You know I hate it when you call me that, Amy." She smirked as she watched Amycus scowl. Amycus followed his twin as she led him to Julianna's nursery. She picked up the girl and held her to her body, trying to soothe the tears that ran down her face. "Shh, it's okay, little one. I'm here."

"Alecto," Amycus said cautiously. "Whose child is that? Because I know for a fact that it isn't yours."

Alecto sighed as she looked at her brother. She had never told him what the plan was the night of October 31st, she never told him what her mission was once the Potters were killed. "This is Julianna Potter."

If it was possible, Amycus became even more confused. "Julianna Potter?" He questioned. "But I thought she was dead? You-Know-Who killed her, right?"

Alecto shook her head. "No, he didn't. He wanted the child to be kept alive. What for, I don't know, he never told me. But he did say that I wasn't allowed to tell anyone, not even you. We replaced Julianna with a Muggle baby from a nearby village. After he struck the Potter boy with the curse, I assume it rebounded and killed him instead. So I took Julianna and ran."

Amycus ran a hand over his face. "But if You-Know-Who is really dead, then why did you follow through with the plan? Why not leave her there to be found by Black, like the boy was?"

"Because he's not really gone, Amycus. He told me that he made seven Horcuxes before his demise. He split his soul seven times, which means he is still out there, just wounded and weak, waiting on someone to come find him and restore him to power. So when he does come back, I don't want to be on his bad side. Do you?" Alecto bounced Julianna on her hip, who was now wide awake because of the adults raised voices. Amycus shook his head, biting his lip.

"So," Amycus said, scratching his head. "You obviously can't keep the name Julianna Potter, she'll find out what you did to her parents. So, any name ideas for the little one?"

"Yeah, I renamed her just last night. Kali Carrow." Alecto smiled.

"Kali? As in Goddess of Destruction and Death?" Amycus asked, raising an eyebrow.

"That's the one. So, when she grows up, I'm thinking about sending her to Beauxbatons. I can't send her to Hogwarts, she'll find out, Dumbledore will found out, and no one wants that."

Amycus smiled at his sister. He had never seen his sister so compassionate towards a child before, not even with their own family. He could tell that Alecto was already growing to love Kali.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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