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JAMES AND LILY POTTER SAT in their living room with their toddlers on October 31, 1981. Sirius, Remus and Peter would be there any minute for their Halloween party. Sure, Julianna and Harry wouldn't remember it, but Lily just wanted to take the pictures.

James and Lily dressed the twins up in matching Halloween costumes, Harry was a Knight and Julianna was a Princess. The two were already showing signs of magic, as Julianna had nearly hit her father in the head with a mug earlier that day.

A knock sounded at the door, causing James and Lily to draw their wands, even though the family was expecting their friends, they could never be too careful.

"What does M.M.W.P.P stand for?" Lily called out.

"Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs." A familiar voice said back. Lily unlocked the door to see Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew.

The friends embraced, happy to see one another. The news about the death of the McKinnon family had rocked the Order, they had lost many members that night, but Lily lost her best friend and Sirius the love of his life. So whenever the friends got to see each other, they cherished it.

Julianna began mumbling as James liked to call it, 'baby gibberish,' stood up, and slowly made her way over to the adults.

"There's my goddaughter!" Sirius grinned, scooping the toddler up in his arms. Julianna giggled happily, causing the hearts of everyone in the room to melt. Sirius set her down and went to pay some attention to Harry, who was looking very put off by everyone fawning over his sister.

Peter couldn't help but feel a twist of guilt in his stomach as he watched his friends laugh and play with their children. It was either him or his best friends, and he chose to save his own neck.

Sirius, while he had been putting up a happy façade, quickly let it crumble in front of James. He sobbed into his best friends shoulder as he thought of Marlene, the girl he had loved with all his heart.

"I-I just don't understand, Prongs." He sniffed. "W-We had a system set up so we would go check on her family, and everything just slipped through my fingers."

"Padfoot," James said sternly. "None of this is your fault. You understand that? You did nothing wrong. You loved Marlene with all of your heart and that's all you could have done."

Sirius nodded slowly before pulling out a small velvet box. "I was going to give this to Marlene tonight. She loves - loved - Halloween. She told me it was the only day she could stuff her face with candy and not be judged for it." He chuckled bitterly, pocketing the ring.

James rested a hand on his best friends shoulder, giving him a sympathetic look. "We're here for you, Pads." Sirius nodded, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. "Come on, Mate, let's have some butter beer, yeah?"

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