Chapter 16

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Aurora and Kate entered the hallway and saw Zayn and his friends. Zira was standing too. Ryan waved his hand at them motioning them to come over. Zayn was secretly happy because his buddy made his job easy.

"Hey," said Ryan and Harry.

"Hello," sang Aurora and Kate with a giggle.

They had a little conversation in which Zira was completely ignored by Aurora and Kate. Harry was being funny and lit up the mood. Zayn and Aurora were aware of each other's presence and found solace in it. Zayn and Aurora just smiled at each other but didn't speak a word.

They had their conversation and then left for class reluctantly.

During the break, Zira took Zayn along with her somewhere. Aurora was a bit disappointed but soon masked it skillfully. Harry and Ryan accompanied anyway, but the brat here misses her jerk. The whole day passed in a blink and was boring. As much as she hated to admit, she missed Zayn's presence. Of course, he was back for the classes but then again she was busy with her work, therefore they couldn't talk with each other.

 While leaving for home, Kate said that she has something to do with Mr. Philip. So she informed Aurora that she wouldn't be able to accompany her home today as she'll be a bit late.

 Ryan heard this and offered Aurora to drop her home.

"No it's alright. I'll go on my own. Anyway thanks, Ryan," said Aurora, politely refusing.

"No, I insist Aurora. It would be a pleasure," said Ryan. He was waiting for a chance to spend time with her. After convincing Aurora a bit, she finally gave in and agreed.

Aurora Wilson

I just don't like Zira. I get bad vibes from her. She keeps clinging onto Zayn all day. She's too blind to see Zayn's uneasiness or maybe she didn't care about it. The way she looks at him gives me bad vibes. Perhaps she is trying to hit on him. Who knows? I mean, why not because Zayn is definitely a good looking guy. I even think that she is toxic to Zayn. But how can I tell him? I heard that they are childhood friends. Anyway I am not too close to Zayn to tell these things.

Even today she took Zayn somewhere. Zayn tried to deny it, but she never left him. So, finally he agreed. Kate told me that she won't be able to accompany me home because she has some work to do with Mr. Philip.

So Ryan offered me a drive home. At first I disagreed and eventually agreed when he insisted.

"Go home safe baby, I'll be back soon. Miss me!" said Kate.

"Sure, sure." I said and chuckled. My Crazy Kate is too adorable!

"Where is she going? How will you go home alone?" asked Zayn. This is the first time he's talking with me today. 

"She has some work to complete and I am not going alone," I said as I packed my bag.

"With whom are you going then?" questioned Zayn.

"I am going with Ryan," I said.

"Why with Ryan? I could drop you off!" he said. Wait, what? He sounded jealous. 

There came the bitch to spoil the scene. Why is she always coming between us? It's annoying just looking at her face.

"Who will drop me then? C'mon Zayn," she whined.

I felt like puking. Yuck.

"Someone's jealous here," mocked my brain.

"Will you just shut up!" I yelled.

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