Chapter 11

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Zayn Evans

I was on my bed and I couldn't sleep because of that brat. No one ever has talked to me like that. How could she? Stubborn brat!

I started going through my instagram. I just wanna divert my mind. 

Wait. What?

Am I dreaming?

Ms.Brat is now calling me?

What the fuck?

Why is she calling me? That too after lashing out on me? Bold of her to think that I'd attend her call after her stunt. Should I attend? 

"Keep thinking and the call will get cut automatically. Attend!" my mind was reminded.

"Hello,"she said.

"What?" I asked.

I know it's rude, but she deserves it. Knowing her, I suspect that she'd probably cut the call now.

But surprisingly, she continued.

"Umm...I just wanna apologize for my behavior earlier. Yeah, you were right. I was upset about something. I am sorry for taking my anger out on you." she said, her voice gentle.

I knew it!


This girl! She should have told this earlier. If she had, we wouldn't be here. Hurt and apart.

But Ms.Brat, your apology is not accepted cause I've already made up my mind. I'm not going to fall for your charms once again. I've had enough when I fell once. Never going to do it again.

So I said, "No, you were right. I am no one to you. I have no right to know what's going on in your life. There's no need to apologize. It's all my fault."

The words I spit actually hurted me too. Like I know I didn't mean anything to her and don't deserve to know about her but it hurted to admit it.

I was mad and embarrassed and hurt. If this was any other girl, I would've handled the situation in a different manner. But it's Aurora. Something about her, no, every damn thing about her made me like her. But now I am cleared. It was nothing.

"My friend didn't attend my calls and now is not reachable. I was just worried. That's it." she said.

Friend? Maybe a boyfriend?


This girl is so damn mysterious. I know nothing besides her name! The fact that I literally know nothing about her angered me. Why is she being this difficult? I felt anger rise inside me.

"I don't fucking wanna know anything about your personal life and believe me I'm least bothered about it. It's none of my fucking business. If you wanna talk about that stupid assignment, talk tomorrow at school," I spat.

No, I basically growled at her and hung up the call without waiting for her reply. She deserves every single word I spoke. She is not my type. It's better if I just ignore her. The question is, will I be able to?

"You won't cause you are in love," said my heart.

What the hell? Now this is getting insane. It's absurd. Extremely absurd.

What is this love?

Isn't that a foul word which burns one's tongue by just saying it? People say falling in love and what does it mean? It means that you are throwing yourself in a deep abyss clearly not knowing that you'd probably be screwed in the worst possible way you've always feared. Falling in love is an amazing story. Well, yes brother, I don't disagree but falling means you are down to the ground and that fake pure thing, you call love will not think twice to bury you deep down, where everything suffocates you to death and the worst thing is you'd never be able to return to your life. Love can be beautiful until it drowns you deep down along with it. And the most ultimate part is, love fades.

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