84. War with my Ownself

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I am sick of these confined walls,That 'I' have set for, as my limits

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I am sick of these confined walls,
That 'I' have set for, as my limits.
Wherein I want to reach for the stars,
And make my desires explicit.

Stop guiding me to be picture perfect,
As I long to make mistakes.
I want to learn from my own experiences,
Doesn't matter if 'My' image is at stake.

I am tired of 'My' own judgements,
And 'My' expectations make me yelp.
'My' own rules chok me to the core,
Like a captive in my own self.

Let me break these shackles of 'My' own thoughts.
Let me shatter 'My' own set edges.
Let me resolve the war inside me,
And rise above all the verges...
And rise above all the verges.


Hey amazZzing Pals

Update for those who are still in the cage of their own thoughts!!

Love you all😘!!

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