New changes

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Even at a young age, Ian had always kissed someone hello and good bye. He always thought it was normal, his mum did it to her friends so why couldn't he? As he grew up he started to realise that people didn't like it for some reason. They bullied him non-stop after a small blonde hair eight year old ran up to him, holding a brand new red monster truck, and smiled, "do you want to play with my monster truck?" Ian nodded enthusiastically, following the small boy onto a patch of grass. When the boy started making car noises, Ian took a deep breath in and out and begged that he didn't mess up. He leaned in and kissed his thin lips, "I'm Ian!" The boy's mouth dropped as he stared at the brown haired boy. "Did you just kiss me!?" Ian bit in his lip, tears welling up in his eyes as the boy stared at him with disgust. What did he do that was so wrong? "My mum said that boys shouldn't kiss boys because it is wrong." That was when the name calling, the pushing and the laughing started and didn't stop until Ian begged for him to leave.

It wasn't any better as he grew fifteen, still having no clue what he does wrong he came to the conclusion that he just won't ever make friends and he will be alone for the rest of his life. He had already moved schools more than he can count and had a cross mother that is tired of moving around all the time. "Ian, love, you know when you kiss people hello? Well, some people don't like that." Ian stared up at his mum in confusion. "But why? I'm just saying hello." She sighed, "Yeah, well, people don't like being kissed okay?" "But what's so bad about kissing them? It's not like I mean it romantically it's just friendly!" He heard her sigh once more before walking off, tired of the same conversation being repeated. She mumbled, "fine, just not the teachers, okay?"

He would sit alone at lunch, picking at his peanut butter and jam sandwich never feeling hungry. He would look at all the smiley happy students with a sigh and run a hand through his fringe, making breadcrumbs swing on his brown hair. Even though boys have been coming to him and have a one sided conversation because Ian was scared he would do something to scare them away. He couldn't risk being bullied again, he was sick and tired of it and rather have no friends then be called fag and be pushed around.

It wasn't until one day was when Ian's life took a dramatic turn. It was a simple science lesson and sadly they had to be put in pairs, everyone was worried that they had be with loner Ian and he didn't have much like to it either. The five words that slipped from the old women's mouth set a whole future for the two boys in a second, "Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox." They sat next to each other, fidgeting at their sides as a large piece of paper and some colour pens fell at their desk.

"M'names Anthony.." He whispered.

Ian's head shot up and tuned to look at the dark brown haired boy next to him, offering a small smile. "Ian," he automatically leaned down and pressed a small kiss to his pink lips.

"D-did you just k-kiss me?" His brown eyes widened.

"Oh shit, sorry, it's just that I..basically, I grew up kissing people to say hello. I never understood why it is weird but apparently it is and I got bullied for it, it's just friendly so no romantic feelings or whatever! I had to move place to place so please don't tell anyone my mum is mad enough!" He ranted, slowly looking up at the boy. Heart beating quickly, scared to see his reaction.

Anthony settled his widened eyes into curiosity then he smiled, "it's okay, I just don't have random boys kissing me on a daily basis." He giggled.

Ian sighed in relief, meeting his smile with a soft blush at his cheeks. "Better get used to it."

Ian looked in his locker, moving every book and pencil to try find what he was looking for but with no luck. Suddenly he felt an arm swing him around and brought to a familiar set of pink lips, he smiled and wrapped his arms around his neck as he was pushed against the locker next to his. Arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him closer to his chest, the strong scent of hair products and deodorant suffocated Ian's nose making him nuzzle his nose against his. His arms slowly untangled and cupped his cheek, blue met brown as he opened his eyes and sighed happily. "Good morning to you too!"

Changes - IanthonyWhere stories live. Discover now