Anthonian or Ianthony?

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Anthony couldn't help but let the smile grow on his lips as he watched Kalel walk away, he bit his lip as he felt so free.

He didn't care that as he walked down the hall everyone was watching him.

He didn't care that his eyes brightened and his smile only widened once he saw Ian turn the corner.

He definitely didn't care when he ran towards the teenager, jumping to wrap his arms around his neck and his legs tight around his waist and pulled their lips together.

Suddenly having a weight jump on him, Ian slipped and they went bang on the floor. Anthony only laughed and put his legs in place again, going in for another kiss. Ian grinned as he held his waist, kissing back with as much passion as Anthony. His hands slowly made up to the teenager currently on his lap's neck and played with the soft hairs.

He never felt happier.

It was only when he pulled away due to lack of air when they noticed everyone standing round with huge smiles. "Fucking finally!"

Their cheeks burned under the many eyes so they looked away in attempt to hide, Anthony opened his eyes just to find Ian's blue ones in front of him. He smiled, cupping it around Ian's chin and pulling in for one last kiss.


"Don't you think that it's a bit soon since you literally just broke up with Kalel?" A girl crossed her arms, raising her eyebrow at the teenagers.


"You're vile," she turned on her heel and stormed off.

"I.." Anthony's mouth fell open but words failed him.

"Let's just.." Ian turned and carried on walking. The two fell into a uncomfortable silence.

"Guys, the hell? I've been waiting for years!" A girl suddenly popped up in front of them making them jump.

Anthony offered a smile before grabbing Ian's wrist, struggling to get through the crowds of people.

"I think we have English now-"

"You two are idiots, after years of bumming each other you're only together now," Will punched Anthony's arm, rolling his eyes as he started walking off. "Just don't do it in the hallway again, it scarred me for life."

"What the fuck is everyone on about?" Ian knitted his eyebrows together, turning to Anthony who looked as confused as him.

He shrugged, "I don't even know, dude."


"So, guys," a couple of girls turned in their seat to face them. "We were thinking of a ship name but we couldn't decide which one is better so-"

"Wait wait wait, what is a ship name?"

They almost rolled his eyes, "a ship name is where you want two people together or, in this case, they're already together. You ship them together," the radiant red girl linked her fingers together. "You get?"


"Anyway, it is either Anthonian or Ianthony."

"Or Aan!" A girl with brunette hair grinned.

"No, that's stupid!" The blond hair girl rolled her eyes.

"Oh, I get it because the first letter of my name them Ian's name.." Anthony paused, his cheeks burning.

"I like Anthonian," Ian shrugged.

"I prefer Ianthony," Anthony raised his eyebrows.

"Hey, Anthonian sounds like Anth-on-Ian.." He burst out laughing. "Okay, that's good but I still like Ianthony."

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