Chapter 2

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It's been two days and Grace was feeling as guilty as ever, even her heart ached. The bubbly Kath was no longer existing. Her days at the office became dull and quite boring. She has to admit that what Hillary said was true, Kath is scary. She was no longer smiling even if Grace was with her.

Deep down Grace hated to admit that she missed the bubbly Kath.

'No more dearie huh.' She thought to herself.

'Wasn't that what I wanted to happen? There's no going back now.' Grace thought once more trying to convince herself that she made the right decision. The only problem is that she could still remember the softness of Kath's lips, and it's driving her crazy.

"De-Ms. Troth, what's my schedule?" Kath said expressionless.

'A date with me.' Grace unknowingly thought and wanted to slap herself.

"You have a business meeting in France this afternoon. You'll have a flight with the project head in about two hours. I've already prepared everything. You may want to go to the airport right now."

"When's the date that I'll be back?"

"Today evening."

"Reschedule it to the next morning."

Grace nodded and prepared everything.

Kath went to the airport pronto and Grace was left alone in the office. Grace was just about finishing her report. When she looked at her watch, it was already time to pack up. It seemed that she had forgotten her lunch.

She arrived home and it's only been two days plus today. She couldn't comprehend how she'd miss her boss's-Kath's bubbly nature;moreso, her presence. That night, she wasn't able to sleep properly.


While in France, Kath was beating herself. How could she act that way to the person she loves? It's not even like they were dating.

She really wished she didn't force Grace to kiss her, but somehow she didn't totally regret it.

With that kiss and her tears, she was able to prove to Grace that she was totally serious.

However, she still wanted to strangle herself for ignoring Grace. Somehow she knew that Grace became more nicer to her. Ever since that incident, she always found Grace staring at her.

Her meeting finished flawlessly and earlier than expected. The only reason why she postponed her flight was so that she could talk to her friend again. Maxinne, her best friend. She told Fred, the project manager, to return to the hotel first since she had to visit someone important. The project manager did as ordered. He wouldn't mind a day's rest.

"Kath! What brings you here?" Maxinne asked while giving her a big hug.

"I just wanted to see you." Kath said, smiling happily.

"See me my ass. It's her again? I told you that, it's hard to make her fall for you especially when she doesn't even remember you."

"She's my secretary now."

"Tell me the details."

Kath updated her best friend on what's been happening to her recently even the crazy stunt she did for her brother.

"That's why I told you not to do it. Now, she hates you even more."

"We met because of the crazy stunt." Kath said with a proud smirk.

Maxinne just facepalmed herself.

"So, she doesn't like you right? And when you even went as far as asking a big favor from your friend to host a party for this girl which you thought would be a great date. She responded by running off and having sex with some other girl instead of you." Maxinne summarized what happened as she took a sip of tea.

Kath nodded sadly.

"It's easy. Use the push and pull method and act the same way as before with her. I'll be back at Windford the day after tomorrow." Maxinne smiled.

"I have a client wanting me to design her house. I'll stop by at your office. I'll be there for the two weeks." Maxinne added.

Kath wasn't sure what her friend was planning but decided to trust her friend. She spent the night at Maxinne's place without the knowledge that rumors have been starting to spread. Apparently, the project manager had spread it with the consent of Maxinne.


"Have you heard that our boss stayed with some girl in France? It's some famous architect. I heard they are close friends."

Grace's heart sank as she passed the cafeteria. There was so much gossip going on. She didn't want to believe those rumors. Kath will be back after lunch. She hoped that everything would go back to before.

After lunch, she went to the airport to wait for the arrival of Kath. Beautiful hair, serious face, and such soft lips caused Grace's heartbeat faster. She knew they would never be the same at least on her side.

"Dearie, you've come!" Kath said happily and hugged her.

Grace was glad that Kath was back to who she was before, but her mind was buzzy and messy. She didn't know how to act. The fact that her heart has started to like Kath as a person, it was hard for her to act like before.

"How's France?"

"Dearie, it's been a while. If I'm not mistaken, you're-how should I put it- Nicer?" Kath said, smiling and winking at Grace.

The driver who thought they were flirting smiled to himself, happy that his boss is smiling again.

Grace rolled her eyes.

"I was joking. France was nice. I've met with an old friend of mine."

This caused Grace to raise her brows again.

'Were the rumors true? Not that I'm concerned.'

"Are you two close?"

"Dearie, I don't really get why you're suddenly interested in my personal life when you used to hate me just a few days ago." Kath chuckled.

"Someone important." Kath continued with a smile and closed her eyes to take a nap.

'She's tired? Don't tell me-' Grace's thoughts went deeper and deeper to the point she felt her ache.

When they arrived, Grace woke Kath up. Kath decided to go home with Grace and finish reviewing the reports at home.

It was a long day. Grace woke up the next day and felt a face squished on her boobs.

She quickly opened her eyes and saw Kath's face buried on her boobs.

She could feel the hot breath of Kath making her nipples harden.

Grace pushed Kath telling her that they'll be late for work if Kath didn't wake up right now. She quickly got changed, face still burning hot. Kath got up feeling confused and thought that it must be Grace's time of the month.

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