eight [⭐️] mister bug vs. adrien

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Marinette's POV

"I thought you liked Mister Bug?" Plagg asks as I splash water on my face.

"I do! No, I don't. Well, it's complicated," I groan, standing over the sink.

I told Alya that I had to use the bathroom before we went back to see the boys. Really, it was just so I could have a mental break. I don't know how much more I can handle today.

Plagg snickers. "You two timing cat. I knew I liked you~"

I groan and lean against the wall. "I just... I just don't know how I've fallen two different people. That's so unlike me."

"So you admit you like Mister Bug?" Plagg asks again.

I groan and wipe my face with a towel. "I don't even know anymore."

"Well, make up your mind! I need to know which ship I'm rooting for."


"Just saying~"

I finish calming myself down the the restaurant's bathroom and scurry out to greet Alya with Plagg silently hiding in my purse. We leave the restaurant and make our way back out to the park to meet up. Although we couldn't all agree where to eat for lunch, we all definitely decided we wanted to eat fro-yo together.

"Hey y'all, how was the burgers?" Nino asks as we walk back to the fountain in the center of the park.

Alya pulls up her sleeves from the beaming hot sun. "Good."

Ugh. You know a girl's mad when she gives you one worded answers.

"Okay then," Nino replies, sensing the awkwardness and rubbing the back of his head. "Anyways, let's go get our fro-yo, this heat is killing me!"

I keep my head down the whole time as we walk to the shop. Adrien senses something is up, but I can't bare to look at him.

After about ten minutes or so, we've got our ice cream. I got birthday cake with gummy bears and syrup, while Adrien got red velvet. I don't understand how. Red velvet is disgusting if you ask me.

We all sit inside in the cool air conditioning in plastic chairs. The window next to us gives a clear view of the stunningly beautiful park. It's about noon, so the shop is crowded, but not packed.

"Are you still sticking with your theory about the miraculouses being ancient technology?" Adrien asks as he takes a bite from his fro-yo.

"Nope. I have a new theory now," Alya snaps.

Adrien flinches in his seat. "Care to explain?"

"I don't need to."

"-Anyways!" Nino jumps in, slightly annoyed at his girlfriend. "What do y'all think about the new home ec. project we have coming up?"

"You mean the one about where we have to sew our own clothes to wear that day?!" I excitingly comment.

Adrien laughs and shoulder bumps me. "Of course you would be excited about that!"

"Yeah... I guess..." I reply with my cheeks heating up. "I think it's gonna be easy, considering that I make my own clothes!"

"Speak for yourself!" Nino laughs. "I've never even held a needle in my life!"

I gasp and throw my hands in the air. "What?! Nino!"

Nino laughs. "You're incredibly talented, M! You make your own clothes, scarves, sunglasses... I bet you even made your ring!"

Without thinking, I immediately recoil my hand and pull it in. "No, I-I didn't make this."

Alya looks at me curiously.

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