seven [⭐️] just a kiss

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Adrien's POV

"Good morning, Adrien!" Chirps Tikki as I slowly wake up in the morning.

I just groan and stuff my face in my pillow.

"Adrien, you can't lay in bed all day! You've got to get up and start getting ready to go see your friends!" Tikki reminds me, sitting in my nest of messy blond hair.

Oh right. Right before I fell asleep, Alya urgently texted the group chat that she wanted to go to the park to see the new Lady Noir and Mister Bug statues. Everyone, including me, agreed to meet up at 11:00 so we could have a whole day together.

I sigh and smile, remembering everything that happened yesterday. I discovered who my lady was under the mask: Marinette. I couldn't have been more happier. To be honest, I always kind of liked her from the start, I was just too afraid to fall for some else other than Ladybug.

Turns out I was just falling for both sides of her.

My only problem is how to go about it. Should I make a move on her as Adrien? What about Mister Bug? What if she just simply doesn't want to be with me?

My phone buzzes and I grumble, moving my hand out to grab my phone and turn the screen on. I smile slightly, reading the texts that Alya sent to the group chat.

Alya: im sorry again that i invited y'all to the park so late in the night, i just really wanted to see the new lady noir and mister bug statues!!

Nino: nah itz chill alya

Alya: ew nobody adds "z" to the end of its. don't be weird nino 💀

Nino: :c

Alya: anyways!! y'all BETTER be getting ready and waking up


Princess: Ugh okay! I'm awake! I'm awake! I just had a weird dream, that's all.

Alya: a weird dream?? could it be about a certain somebody... 🥴

Princess: ALYA I SWEAR.

I just chuckle as I put my phone back down and start getting ready.  I brush my teeth, comb my hair, and wash my face. I put concealer over the dark magic growing on my face, and it temporarily hides the creepy black roots.

I start to pick out my outfit, trying to low key look slightly more attractive then I usually do (for obvious reasons). Because it's nearing the end of the school year, the weather is typically hotter, so I decide to leave my white jacket in its closet again.

Tikki rests at the bottom of my bag as I slip into the back of my body guard's car. I told my father that I was going to a charity event which is the only reason he let me out of the house. My body guard is in on it, however. We're almost like a team at times. He wants me to hang out with my friends and have a childhood.

A part of me thinks that he knows I'm Chat Noir. But I never bring it up.

"Thanks for the ride!" I say as I jump out of the car to join my friends. He nods silently and drives off.

Tikki stays silent in my bag as I wave hello, and the group waves back. Marinette looks at me, and instantly her knees cave inward and her face turns red.

I smirk.

I walk over to Alya and pull her aside. "So, she really is head over heels for me, huh?"

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