Chapter 9: Cherry Blossom Viewing Party (Pt. 4)

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"Alright... So it's agreed right?"


In a clearing near their viewing spot, two males were currently standing on the left corner dressed in black and brown garb. On the opposite side, a female and two other males were dressed in white and golden armor. Despite the strange sight unfolding, all will be explained once we go back an hour earlier.


After finding out that Charlotte had wanted to experience what it feels like to be kidnapped, all of the present members agreed with one another to hold a simulation of some sort since it would be too dangerous to hire actual kidnappers (as Charlotte wanted to suggest earlier).Now the problem is deciding who gets what role.

"Well, since my sister is the one being kidnapped, isn't it obvious that I would be the one to save her? She is my precious family member after all"

"What? That's ridiculous! She's MY fiancee so naturally, the one to save her is the prince charming isn't it?"

"Now now, gentlemen. You are all too rough so wouldn't it be better for someone as gentle as I am to save the damsel in distress? You might hurt Lady Charlotte with your brute conduct"

"W- w- wait! I'm the one who is actually training to become a knight so shouldn't I have the role of one of the knights?"

The four men were getting into such a heated argument that Charlotte could feel herself sweating from afar. If they kept arguing with each other like this, it'll be dark soon and then they can't proceed with the simulation. There has to be a way so that everyone is satisfied with the outcome!

"Ah! I know! Gentlemen, I believe we should draw lots to make it fair" she appeared in between the four of them.

"... Fine. If the lady believes it's for the best"

"If you say so, little sister"

"I- I agree with whatever Lady Charlotte wants"

"Haha! My fiancee is indeed smart!"

Unfortunately for them, Charlotte had excluded the fact that she included herself into the lots. She is, after all, a person who believes in distributed fairness.


Which leads to the present moment where Caspian took hold of the role of the kidnapper, Kit (ironically) holding the role of the one being kidnapped and the other three being the knights.

'Say ... isn't the whole point of this simulation is so Lady Charlotte can experience getting kidnapped (safely)?' Caspian felt his head already pounding.

"Alright. So, we'll hide over there while you guys try to infiltrate our base, is that clear? And no actual violence! You might hurt the lady if you start waving your sword around" Caspian sighed.

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