II. chatting with a stranger

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omegle: Talk to strangers!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like elounor and Louis Tomlinson.

Stranger: Hiiii .xx

You: hey :) x

You: what's up, babe?

Stranger: The ceiling.

Stranger: Haha!

You: that was terrible...

You: god

You: i'm disconnecting

You: jk haha. name?

Stranger: I'm sorry for that, haha.

Stranger: Do you ship Eleanor?

Stranger: I mean Elounor.

You: nah, not really. i'm kind of just here to ask why people do

You: why?

Stranger: Oh. Same here. LOL.

You: did you really say 'LOL'?

You: lmao

Stranger: Tbh I said 'LOL' but autocorrect.

Stranger: I mean LOL

Stranger: Frick, I mean l o l. Without the spaces but autocorrect capitalized it.

You: okay man don't sweat i get it, haha.

You: anyway..

You: you're a larry shipper too?

Stranger: Yup. :)

You: high five

You: it makes me crazy thinking that it's almost 2015 already yet there's still people who can't see true love

You: like why ffs

You: now i'm sad

Stranger: Don't be sad, stranger.

Stranger: True love, huh?

Stranger: Haha. Yeah.

Stranger: But you can't blame them. Management does everything to blind people.

You: ikr

You: fucking Modest!

You: but rlly i'?  not askinh for much more.

You: sure i would die happily they came out already but they've been interacting a lot even in live shows so yeah

You: i'm not asking for more knowing my ship is not sinking

Stranger: That's really sweet, you know?

Stranger: But yeah. I have a source and he said they've been stronger. Perfect, right?

You: glad to know. :)

You: but fuck a sOURCE



Stranger: Calm down, babe.

Stranger: And no. I'm not shi.tting you.

You: who???????

You: tell me please?

You: is it captain niall bc aye

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