Author's Note

358 6 1

Hey, everyone! ☺

I've only noticed now that omegle had over 1k reads. The last time I checked my stories, which was probably a really long time ago, I was only at nine hundred (hahaha) but look at us now! Two thousand. 😭😭

Thank you so much for reading and thank you for all your votes. I really, really appreciate it. Thank you!! I hope that I could add more to this story in the future for you all. 😌😌

By the way, I updated the old chapters to correct a few things like the username that I use for the Twitter part and the boys' Twitter bios and usernames, etc. And I also have a new update so make sure to check the chapters before this: the fifth one-shot.

Once again, thank you! I love you all a lot and in case no one told you this yet today, you are important. I hope you have/had a nice day 😊💕

Much fond, Estelle xx.

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