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I changed my sheets to black today. Silky and shiny, something new and luxurious to sheath me in the safety of my bed for the night. Now that I shared my bed with Chris, it only seemed fitting to replace the girlish frill with decor that made him more comfortable. The light grey Egyptian cotton was lovely, of course, but there was just something about the black. It was peaceful and inviting, looking crisp and clean in contrast to the light curtains and white bed frame. It was out with the old and in with the new.

Five and a half hours of extensive deep cleaning and organizing, and the house was spotless. From top to bottom, every room was at it's best.

It was delightful, making me feel accomplished and productive. There was no better feeling than sitting in a quiet clean home with the scent of warm vanilla candles, and a fresh breeze rushing through the open windows.

Momma even left the house, allowing me an opportunity to clean up her bedroom. Everything put away in its spot, thoughtfully placed for convenience. She wouldn't mind, I'm sure, after all, she would most likely return sometime tomorrow afternoon high out of her gourd. Assuming that is when her druggie friends are done playing with her.

I found myself laying down on the freshly vacuumed living room floor, staring up at the ceiling fan as it swung unsteadily above me. With every spin of the blades, the base of the fan wracked back and forth. It was pointless to have it spinning, just blowing the hot air around the room, but I enjoyed the sound. Hypnotizing and soothing at the same time, passing the minutes by with every rotation.

It was nearly three in the afternoon and the sun was at its hottest. Even laying here on the floor, I could feel the harsh rays hitting my skin through the window, inviting me to enjoy its full glory outside. I needed to get out. I had to let myself feel some escape, and what better way than to muffle out the world with music and lay in the warmth of the sun.

A smile crept upon my lips and I lifted myself from the floor, on my way to my bedroom to dress myself in a swimsuit. My excitement grew as I dug through my drawer that was filled with tiny bikinis and lacy cover-ups. My fingers caught my light blue strapless bikini that was perfect for getting an even tan in the sun.

I hurriedly pulled on the suit and slathered myself in coconut tanning lotion. It had been a while since the last time I let myself lounge in the sun. Just my music and me, staring up at the bright blue sky, void of any clouds. At that moment, I could let my mind relax and clear of any thoughts weighing heavily down on me.

Walking out the front door, I shoved my earphones into my cell phone and pulled up my YouTube app, selecting the first recommended song on the list.

Ah, It was just gorgeous outside. The air was fresh and warm, fragrant with the salty breeze of the ocean miles away. A taste of the beautiful state of Florida in my backyard.

With a long sigh, I laid myself down on my beach towel and readied myself for relaxation. Enjoy the silence by Depeche Mode played in my ears, my eyes closed shut to listen to every word.

I had always found 80's pop to be my favorite genre. Poetic and filled with the drama of the century. People weren't afraid to be who they wanted to be. Loud makeup and bold hair, making statements with attire and electronic vocals.

And everyone was dancing.

My skin tingled under the scorching rays beating down on my oiled up skin. The tanning cream was no doubt working its magic, polishing my skin to achieve a subtle caramel tint.

Chris might like this new look, sunkissed with rosy cheeks glowing under my light freckles. It seems everything I do nowadays is to impress him. Any reaction would suffice, sometimes it was a double take paired with a groan when I walk into a room, and other times he'd be on me faster than a dog to his food bowl.

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