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M A T U R E A U D I E N C E S O N L Y!

"So you have no idea where he is?" Chris rubbed his eyes, leaning against the porch. He was on his fourth cigarette, puffing them down like he needed them to fucking breathe or something. At least he had finally just stopped pacing. "Just a general area, Briel, anything."

"He only ever comes to Honeys." I sat on the ground by the porch, picking out blades of grass, enjoying the sound of it tearing from the ground. "Just showing up whenever."

"Fuck," he kicked the railing and sat down heavily on the steps, beginning to plot out his plan of attack. "I'll just have to fucking watch for him." As much as I've tried to deescalate him, we had been going at this for at least forty five minutes, just going in circles.

What does he look like? What does he drive? How often do you see him? Does he travel alone?

"Can you please come here?" I asked quietly, massaging my twitching leg muscles. All of these questions were tiring, each one adding to the knot growing in my gut. I needed to move his mind away from this conversation, one that I now regret starting. Well, it was hard to say I regretted it fully. Chris cared for me in his own weird way, and his confidence in himself to do so was reassuring.

I couldn't help but wonder where his mind was at right now. How heavy were his thoughts after the series of events over the past few days?



Me. Fucking the shit out of me.

His gaze flicked over to me and with a huff, he stood up. "Alright." With relaxed footing, he walked over to me and stretched out beside where I sat. "Are you okay?"

"I'm just sore." I shrugged, sliding my leg in the grass to press against his.

Nonchalantly of course.

"This wouldn't have happened if you'd just talked with me." He ran his fingers through his dark curls aggressively, grunting as he did so.

Was he referring to Marcello, or the rough sex?

"How was I supposed to know how you'd react?" I eyed his flexing arms as he picked at the bandages on his hands, considering my words. "Chris, I'm terrified of you getting involved and doing something that will get you killed."

He scoffed, blinking up at me with a soft smile that hit a hole in my stomach. "You think I'm afraid to die?"

"Would you really want to die for me?" My lower lip quivered, feeling my heartache with a tightening pain. He wasn't thinking right, I was not worth him risking his life so dangerously. I had just ruined his relationship with Zach, and we both know damn well I have a habit of lying. So, why would he say such a thing, so bold and headstrong? Was he starting to feel the same blossoming sensation of love that I felt?

He shook his head thoughtfully, looking off at a tree in the distance. Searching for the right words, maybe he was unsure. I watched his shoulders sink, giving up on what he really wanted to say. "You don't get it."

I outstretched my pinky finger and touched it to his, lacing our fingers together. "Help me understand it then, Chris." Just the simple act alone sent warmth over my body, a giddy sensation.

I miss him.

He sat still and blinked, surprised as he looked down at our fingers tied together in his lap. "Well god damn, woman."

"What? Is this okay?" I began to let go but he held my finger in place, squeezing gently. Maybe it was too soon for intimate touches like this.

"It's like you read my mind." He raised his face to mine and stared in wonder at my confused stare. "I was about to say, you have me wrapped around your finger and— well, shit. Your lil' finger is squeezin' on mine like that. I've fuckin' never-"

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