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previously; (bc this is hard af to follow)

michael had invited Amelia and Calum over to his house, without the other one knowing. amelia and calum are not speaking to each other over the row about which high school the other decided to go to, however each of them wish the other one was talking.

25th October 2010

Michael stood in his freshly painted man-cave, waiting for Amelia and Calum to come over. He'd seen the same scenario be played out on various TV shows, in books — even comics: lying to two people so to bring them together. He couldn't tame his excitement for the fact that he would be bringing Calum and Amelia back together, so he decided to paint his room at 5am that morning. Along with his bursting excitement, Michael was still somewhat jealous of Calum's way with words, or his smoothness. Whilst Calum could charm the foulest of teachers and pupils alike, Michael still found it hard to talk about the rather dull weather to the lady at the till in his favourite bookstore.

Michael turned on the flat screen television in his room; laid a selection of DVDs on the coffee table along with a bowl filled with chips and peanuts and some soda cans and called to order pizza: a Hawaiian for Calum, cheese for Amelia and Meat Feast for himself. Content that he was ready to sew up the seams of the trio — he sat on his plush sofa, awaiting his two nonchalant guests. 

As soon as the door bell rang, notifying him that someone had arrived, he darted out of his seat and ran towards the door, fixing his hair ever so slightly. Upon seeing Calum's dark features he grinned, "Hey man, how are you?", they partook in an awkward man hug exchange — just to prove their masculinity, of course — and went into Mikey's man cave. The couple discussed the fresh layer of paint on the walls and redecoration of the interior as they snacked on the chips and sipped the cola. Michael made sure to not allow Calum to choose a film yet as they, or Michael rather, waited for Amelia to arrive. 

Not longer later, she did. Wearing a striped top and black jeans, she smiled at Michael, and ran in to embrace him. The feeling itself made Michael grin from ear-to-ear, completely forgetting about the boy in his room who just so happened to be annoyed with the girl he was with right now. "I missed you!", she exclaimed, letting herself into the house and pushing the black front door shut. "Me too, Ame. I'm glad you're here," Michael exchanged conversation with Amelia as they made their way to his mancave. 

"Sorry I've been such a shitty friend lately... I've just been confused about... I don't know, a lot of things," she smiled at him apologetically as she walked into the room. The first thing she commented on was definitely not the newly painted wall or the new, not to mention useless, tiny mirror in the corner. She completely forgot to acknowledge those factors, in the same way that you'd forget to realise that their was a large, atomic bomb in your room if your favourite celebrity was in your bed. "Shit," was the only word muttered from Michael's mouth, he'd somehow, in the 30 seconds it took to tell Calum that the ding dong of the doorbell was the pizza person and to greet Amelia, that they would both interact in a, let's just say, shocked manner. 

"Uh... surprise?", Michael suggested, forgetting that this awkward moment was inevitable and kicking himself because he hadn't prepared for this in any way. "I'm leaving, what the fuck...," Amelia decided, turning to exit through the door before Michael could stop her. "I'm sorry, Ame... Calum, just please — stay and hear me out," Calum shrugged, looking smug; he was happy that he could finally be back with Amelia again, hoping that she would apologise first, of course. Amelia finally gave in, sighing and sat at the opposite end of the brown soft to Calum. Michael stood in front of the TV, addressing his two, recently parted, best friends. 

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