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listened to Sweater Weather + #icanteven by The Neighborhood as I wrote this!)

24th October 2010

At any age, no matter how old or young you are, fights about the littlest things take place and hurt. Maybe when you were 5 and your father wouldn't let you have the last cookie in the jar because you'd already had 3 today. You would've been angry, upset, annoyed. And for the more dramatic of us, may have charged up to your room and slammed the door. All because of one cookie.

Now, after you had calmed down, or maybe a few years after once you had matured: you would've laughed at how silly you were to get so worked up over a cookie, and would know your dad only told you not to have another one so you wouldn't get sick.

If this particular incident is one you laugh off at the age of, say 15, and cringe about your younger self and how stupid and selfish they were - we're not done. Maybe your favourite band was in town and you wanted to go see them, but it was on a school night and you had a maths test the next day. But, nevertheless you asked your mother if you could go and were given an "I'll think about it", and later a "no, because it's on a school night and you have a maths test the next day". You weren't going to just accept the descision of your mother, were you? You were going to recreate the incident that happened 10 years prior to this one, weren't you? But this time, with perhaps more drama and anger. Slam, goes the door. Shout, goes your mouth. Sadness, fills you up. And there you go, you didn't get your cookie again and you were still mad.

So, what I'm trying to get at with recalling your past cringe-worthy incidents is that no matter the size of something - you're going to be mad if it means something to you. And this particular situation was not far from synomous to that of Michael, Calum and Amelia's.

Amelia's cookie was going to the high school that her mom went to with her two best friends; Michael's cookie was going to Trey Arts School without being judged and Calum's cookie was going to Bishop Union with his two best friends and finally confess his love for Amelia. But the three each had their hand moved away from the jar where they had thought they were to retrieve the doughy goodness, and instead given nothing.

Two days ago, the three had planned a movie night, which happened every weekend, in which they would all go to one of their houses: eat pizza and ice cream, watch lots of films and play video games. It became a tradition in third grade and had continued to where they were now - 8th.

It was now Friday. The usual date for their movie night - except none of the three had uttered a word to each other in two whole days. The news, being as popular as the trio were, had spread fast. Sadie Gray Smith was walking back from the restrooms, through the hallways, when she saw MAC (Michael, Amelia and Calum's nickname, given to them by the entire student body) fighting. This caused her to tell Monica Paul, who told John Rivers, who told Perrie Law, and it kept spreading so forth. MAC were having fight. It was big news for Seagate Elementary. Big news.

Amelia sat in World Studies, paying zero attention to Mrs. Pare as she explained the state of the Middle East to her class. Amelia was interested in the topic, but couldn't quite concentrate on anything but Calum and Michael at this moment in time. Was that it? Were they over? She thought about what she would do for her last year at Seagate without them. She didn't want this to be the fight that would end them. They were best friends, and were going to stay. But, no way was Amelia going to be the first to apologize.

A few doors down sat Calum Hood in Math. Unfortunately for him, he had been sat right at the front of the classroom - right in the middle where he could see up his teacher's nostrils. Like Amelia, he sat, in his own little world, thinking about MAC and how he so wished they had never had that fight. Two days was a long time to not speak to his best friends and he had a lot to tell them. But of course, being the so-called mighty Calum Hood meant that he was not going to admit to being wrong first, so he'd wait until something else happened.

And finally, to complete the trio of MAC, was Michael Clifford, sat - or stood rather - in the drama studio. Their teacher was sick, thus meaning that a supply was in school. And of course, the class was chaotic. Now usually with supply teachers, this is the case: not so subtle murmurings; complete disregard for the work set; thumbs jabbing phone screens; etc. However, an angsty class full of dramatic teens was going to be a lot, lot worse. The chaotic scene had one person not quite in place: Michael Clifford.

Mike was usually a loud and noisy kid. He was the 'class clown', the kid who would never fail to make you laugh and crack some inappropriate joke every now and again. However today, he was not at all like his normal self. So, when James Robert asked if he wanted to ditch with him and smoke round the back - he muttered a "na", without tearing his eyes away from the peeling, white walls of the studio. When Sadie Gray Smith came and sat by Michael to talk about nothing, he didn't even tell her to "fuck off", he just ignored her and stared into space. When the teacher told him to come down and do some work, he didn't even come up with some snarky comment, instead he ignored him too.

The (very few) teenagers in the drama class whispered to each other about Michael's odd behaviour. Obviously we know what's wrong with young Michael, but the rest of the class did not: Calum and Amelia were running through his thoughts. But not only them, his entire future, friends and reputation. He was the badass guy who gave 0 fucks about anything. As far as the school was concerned, Michael took drama, art and music because he wanted to slack off in the lessons. Little did they know that he was a devoted actor, musician and artist. The only people that knew this were his 2 best friends. Who were, at the point, barely his friends. So, what Michael did next was leave the drama studio to make up with his two best friends - and get pizza.




okay so I hope y'all are understanding the format now?? yes?? no?? don't care??

but I'm so excited rn to write this but I really have no time and have a lot of work to do which sucks :-(

okay so how are you guys, good good? hope so!

sorry i felt like I had to update you on my excitement levels

but yeah, hope ya liked. listening to ash's playlist as I write and man thE MEMORIES THIS BRINGS.

Stay cute bc u are + I love you :-)))

oh and comment n vote if u want or don't it's cool :-)

lova ya lots


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