• discontinuing-sorry •

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hey guys, it's maya.

i know that i hardly update this anymore but it's mainly because i've lost all motivation for this story. i haven't been updating any of my stories lately, and i've ultimately decided that i need to make some sort of 'story cuts' if i want to get back on track.

this story had its time but now i just personally don't ship my oc and peter anymore haha. i ship him with michelle and deadpool lmao. anyway, i'm really sorry if you liked this story. i wanted to try and continue this, but i just can't continue you. thank you guys for the reads and stuff like that. you all truly are the best readers. plus, there are like 10,000 better marvel books aha. i hope you all enjoyed the story while it lasted!

i love you all lots.


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𝙢𝙧. 𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚🕷                                (PETER PARKER X OC) Where stories live. Discover now