Chapter 3 - Dreams training

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Ink grabbed Dream gently around the neck, not wanting to hurt the smaller. "Are you sure you want to try this..?" He asked, his eyes shifted color and shape to pink broken hearts, meaning he was worried. Dream nodded.

"Don't worry! Try to grab me a bit harder though, so it isn't easy to escape." He responded, looking up reassuringly at Ink, though the larger was still skeptical he did as he was told and grabbed Dream like a kidnapper would. Dream was able to silently wriggle out of Ink's grasp after about 5 minutes, but he was panting. "Jeez, you had a death grip there!"

"Sorry... I just needed to hold you like a kidnapper, I should've built it up so you'd be more used to it..." Ink responded softly, looking away from Dream.

"Oh, no, no! It's fine I just didn't expect you to be so strong since... well... I expected you to mostly use magic based on the fact you were going to help with that..." Dream stood up and walked up to place a hand on Ink's shoulder.

Ink rolled his eye lights. "Wooooow, thanks princey."

"Uh- sorry, I didn't mean to offend you..." Dream pulled his hand away.

"No no, it's fine. I was just being sarcastic to be sarcastic, it didn't actually offend me." Ink raised his hands quickly and before Dream could say anything he grabbed him again. Dream let out a startled yelp but immediately started shuffling to get away. Ink was moving around to see if Dream could keep up and he tightened his grip slightly every time Dream got looser. Dream eventually got out, but it took a while. Ink had continued running, then slipped and fell over when he tried to stop to go back to check on Dream. Both were laying in the grass panting from trying to train.

Dream jumped up first. "Can we try combat training now???? Pleeeeaseeeee???" he begged. Ink laughed a little at how child-like Dream was.

"Sure, just gimme a second." Ink caught his breath, then stood up and summoned his weapon. He made sure it looked like a normal weapon, just not as sharp and deadly. "I'll use the blunt end, you need to block my attacks or dodge, then we'll see how good your aim is." Ink said, waiting for Dream's response. After a few minutes of preparing himself Dream nodded and Ink sprung into action. He hit Dream's arms a few times, and Dream wasn't very good at dodging, but he was clearly able to block well with his more protected parts of his body. Ink accidentally hit him in the side while Dream wasn't looking and he threw him to the side with the force. Ink yelped and ran over. "DREAM????? Omg I'm sosososO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO HIT YOU-" Dream just laughed a little and sat up, though he was clearly winded and kinda hurt.

"I'm fiiine, I just didn't expect it... jeez you hit hard..." he rubbed his hand on the rib Ink hit. Ink let out a wince at the idea he hurt him, and dropped and put his hands on Dreams rib. (it's time for Nightmare to see what they're doing OwO) He rubbed gently to make sure it was the correct rib and Dream winced. Nightmare gave him a dirty look and he glared back, then pressed down and closed his eyes to gather his green magic to his fingertips so he could heal Dream. Nightmare was behind him, now wary of his every move. Dream sat completely still, and both brothers eyes widened as Ink's fingertips glowed green. Dream felt his rib have less pain than before, and after a while, the pain disappeared entirely. "How did you..?"

Ink looked at Dream in confusion. "What? Have you never been healed before?" Dream shook his head. Ink looked horrified.

"I was never allowed outside the castle in places I could get hurt, so I never got hurt before..." Ink looked unsure what to think, but he shrugged and stood up to help Dream onto his feet.

"It's getting dark, you should go to bed." Dream nodded, then tugged Ink along with him. "Uh-? I need to get back to-"

"Nope! You're coming into the castle so I can train again in the morning!" Dream said Cheerily, as though he didn't just crack his rib training. "We have a guest room if you're worried about sleeping in my or Nighty's rooms." ink shrugged and let himself be dragged into the castle. When they arrived, Dream instantly took Ink to the spare room, and he noticed two more people following close behind him and Dream.

"Dream, are you sure you want him in the castle? He looks... dangerous." The taller asked, looking at Ink skeptically.

"Of course I want him to stay! He can train me so I won't be helpless!" Dream responded, keeping his magic a secret.

"If you say so, your highness. But I must get back to My duties." The smaller piped up, then he turned and went towards Nightmares room. He must be his guard. Ink thought. The taller nodded.

"You should go back to your room as well, Dream." he said simply, still warily glancing at Ink now and again.

"Of course Cross! I just needed to take Ink to his room!" Dream replied, then skipped down the hall. His guard, Cross, followed him, though he wasn't skipping. Ink sighed. Finally I can rest... he thought, going into his room. He changed into clothes he teleported onto the bed from his kingdom and flopped down, not bothering to wrap himself up in his blanket. He had put his armor into the closet, and he would polish it in the morning. For now, he let his mind calm down and his body rest.

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