Chapter 9: Anderson

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"Sherlock, that is truly amazing," Kimmy told him. She sounded just like John did when they'd first met. "You've got to teach me how you do that."

"Later," Sherlock said with an amused smile. He didn't know why, but he was truly enjoying Kimmy's company. Perhaps it was because she reminded him of John? "Right now it's time to work. Anderson just walked out." The idiot was walking beside two people—Sherlock could tell they were a brother and a sister; the girl was older, about five years younger than Anderson, and an accountant. Her brother was still in college majoring in business. They'd been in London for three days and had talked Anderson into bringing them to see the Tower of London, which he clearly hadn't wanted to do.

"Okay," Kimmy said as they stood.

"Anderson!" Sherlock called as they approached the trio. Anderson looked over with an annoyed expression, then turned and said something to his relatives. They nodded in response to whatever they said before walking away.

"What do you want?" Anderson asked, crossing his arms over his chest as Sherlock and Kimmy approached.

"Need a favor," Sherlock answered.

"A favor?" Anderson echoed with a sarcastic chuckle. "I lost my job because of you; why would help you?"

"You lost your job because you went nearly insane with grief after making Lestrade think Sherlock was a fraud," Kimmy snapped in reply. "If you hadn't put that doubt in Lestrade's mind, Moriarty's plan to discredit him wouldn't have worked. Face it, you owe him."

Anderson was clearly shocked by the petite teen's outburst. Sherlock, on the other hand, was mildly amused. "Who exactly are you?" Anderson demanded.

"His client," Kimmy replied before Sherlock could say anything. "Kimmy Smith."

"She came to me a few days ago," Sherlock explained. "Her mother gave her up for adoption when she was an infant, and now Kimmy is trying to find her mother. We found her address, but when we got there we found that she'd been kidnapped."

"What does that have to do with me?" Anderson asked. "Just call Lestrade."

"We can't," Sherlock answered. "If we go to Lestrade, then the person that kidnapped Kimmy's mother will kill her. We need a forensic expert to help us examine the scene for evidence."

"Which I no longer am," Anderson pointed out. "Fired, remember?"

"If you help us, then the people at Scotland Yard might realize their mistake," Kimmy said.

"What mistake?" Sherlock and Anderson asked at the same time.

"The mistake to fire you," Kimmy said. "Sherlock Holmes thinks you can help us find my mom, that's got to say something. You help us solve this case, and you're sure to get your job back."

Anderson stood for several moments contemplating what Kimmy had said. For a moment Sherlock was convinced that he'd still refuse to help, but Anderson eventually rolled his eyes and said, "It's not like I have anything better to do. I'll take a look at the crime scene."


Author's Note: So, I tried to update before Christmas like I said I would, but my internet decided to stop working. It just started working again. Sorry for making you wait.

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