Chapter 5: Time Travel

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"Sherlock, you don't understand," Kimmy said. She was really starting to get onto Sherlock's nerves. "If Mary dies, then I won't exist!"

"What is then even supposed to mean?" Sherlock demanded. Agreeing to bring her was a mistake, he thought.

"It means I'm her daughter!" Kimmy snapped in reply. The moment the words left her mouth, a panicked look crossed her face.

Though he didn't want to admit it, everything now made sense: Kimmy's resemblance to Mary, the reason she was keeping her face hidden. "How is that possible?" Sherlock asked.

"I had help from a man called the Doctor," Kimmy explained. "He's a Time Lord."

"I see." Sherlock made a mental note to look through his mind palace later. He was sure that he'd seen something about Time Lords in Mycroft's government files.

"You believe me?" Kimmy asked skeptically.

"Granted, I'm not entirely convinced," Sherlock admitted, "but I have read about 'Time Lords' in some of my brother's files."

"You mean Mycroft?" Kimmy asked.

"Of course I mean Mycroft."

"Oh, I thought you might have been talking about Sherrinford," Kimmy said.

"How do you know about Sherrinford?" Sherlock gasped. No one knew about his other brother—not even Mrs. Hudson or John.

"In about five years he's going to help you and Dad with a case," she explained. "That's when I met him, anyway."

Sherlock was now convinced that she was telling the truth. Even though there was nothing logical about this, he believed her. Once you rule out the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth, he reminded himself.

"Okay," Sherlock said with a nod. "Let's go save your mother."

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