7} Whale

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Isabelle had been drifting in and out of consciousness for quite some time now, the few moments of clarity wasn't enough for her to make sense of everything. But the snapshots she was able to get, told her that it was morning now. Whatever was wrong with her, it was enough for them to call for Magnus. Somehow the thought of being at the hands of the Warlock gave her peace.

Not that Isabelle didn't like the silent brothers, but the one silent brother she was really used to, Brother Zachariah, had recently quit being one. She hadn't thought that it was possible, but then again she lived in a world mundanes didn't know existed.

There was a cold draft that came into the room accompanied by a new set of foot steps. "How is she?" Her brother asked, his tone wavering a bit, putting sound to the way all siblings showed their fear for each other's health. Isabelle remembered countless times when Jace or Alec, or even both, were in the infirmary and she had to force herself to be calm, to not add more chaos to the situation.

"She's a fighter, she'll be fine. In fact, she's listening in right now." Isabelle rolled her eyes and groaned at the disapproving look her brother pitched at her. Magnus sat in the corner, long legs folded over eachother as his feline eyes gleamed with interest. She shot him an accusing glare and the warlock replied with a bemused smile.

"Isabelle what happened?" She was in the midst of pushing herself into a sitting position. Before she could reply she heard two more sets of footsteps coming down the hall.

"Sleeping beauty decided to wake up, did she? Come on Izzy, even I haven't gone to that length to get out of my chores yet. Not even the time I had to dust every single book in the library, who would had thought we have so many books on accupunctur- ow!" Jace shot an annoyed sideways glance at Clary and rubbed his upper arm in feign pain. Isabelle knew it was just Jace's way of ameliorating by instituting humor. Still, she was greatful to Clary for shutting him up, but a glance at the other girl showed that Clary wasn't paying attention to Isabelle at all. She was staring at the other figure making their way down the hall, and the hand that was propping Isabelle up almost slipped at the look on his face.



His breathing was slightly rapid, eyes wide behind his glasses. They fogged up from his breath and he removed them to wipe them on his shirt. As his head ducked down to concentrate on the task, Isabelle couldn't help but notice the way his shoulders were broader and some of his baby curls stuck to the nape of his neck due to perspiration. His shirt stuck a little to his chest, as if he had gone for a workout before he heard the news. A vein in his throat stood out and she could swear she saw his pulse slowing down. He started to lift his head up after cleaning his glasses, dark lashes casting shadows onto his cheek bones-

"Izzy? Are you going to answer my question?" Alec's annoyance made her eyes tear themselves off of Simon just in time for him not to catch her staring. Out of the corner of her eye she caught Jace and Magnus exchange amused glances.

"It somehow seemed to appear in the rain. I didn't get to see it before it was washed away. It traveled alone. Had claws though, pretty sure of that." Jace scoffed with the obvious statement but before he could comment Simon interrupted.

"Aren't demons usually not stealthy?" Clary nodded affirmation.

"They like play with their prey, yes."

"Oh I wouldn't call it 'playing'." Magnus added, "More of gaining pleasure from torturing humans and feeding on their fear, and of course killing them." Simon nodded in understanding.

"Now that demons 101 has been briefed, we should let Izzy rest." Jace gave a curt nod and walked off, leading Clary away. Clary flashed an encouraging smile towards Isabelle before turning and beckoning towards Simon who shook his head, making her frown.

"How long have I been sleeping?"

"Only through the night. The poison had spread fast in your bloodstream but extracting it was quick as well. You do hold a fractured scapula, but a couple days should take care of it." Magnus yawned, Isabelle realized he must have stayed the night to make sure she didn't wake up in fits.

"Thank you" Isabelle graced the Warlock, who waved her gratitude away. "Alec would never have come back to the loft knowing you were hurt anyways, it was all I could to do ease his mind."

She looked back into the blue eyes of her brother, noticing the dark circles under his eyes.

"I'm alright." She reassured, and he nodded, letting out a silent breath and leaned up against the wall.

"I'm going to go home" Magnus announced to them, unfolding gracefully out of his chair. "I suppose I should inform Maryse that she has awoken."

"Yes, much appreciated, Magnus." Alec answered with a tired smile.

Magnus locked eyes with Simon while walking out the door. Isabelle could only guess the meaning.

"You told Maryse?"

"Of course I told mom, Izzy. She visited too you know. Jace and I surveyed the surrounding area to see if there were anymore demons lurking but we turned up empty handed. Jace was a bit disappointed that he missed a fight." Isabelle scoffed.

"I bet, but it wasn't much of one." Alec nodded half-heartedly.

"You should get some rest." She noted, though they both knew it was a command. His gaze flashed towards Simon, who was staring at something slightly below the bed Isabelle sat upon. She gave a half-smile. Don't worry about it. In a second he was out the door.

Isabelle tugged at a loose thread on the sheet she was covered with, there was a drop of dried blood that had green tinting the outer edges. She forced her hands to stay still, since when did Isabelle Lightwood have nervous habits?

Simon cleared his throat. When Isabelle's gaze finally fell in line with his own, he pushed himself off the door frame and stood in the middle of the room.

"So, I guess you feel okay?" His voice cracked at the end, and relief wound it's way into Isabelle, knowing that she wasn't the only one feeling anxious. She nodded, her hands winding around a strand of her hair. He rubbed his hands together after trying to stuff them in his pockets, but it seemed the casual stance didn't feel casual. A slight wince came across his features as he broke them apart, giving Isabelle the chance to glimpse at irritated red palms.

"What'd you do? Try to cook?" Simon glanced back down to his hands, trying to hide the blush that spread across his cheeks. Something in Isabelle's chest seemed to squeeze for a second.

"No, I was um...practicing rope climbing while waiting for my training session today."

"Hard journey?"

"No, actually, I got to the top when Clary barged in and demanded for me to get down." Isabelle rolled her eyes.

"I wish people would stop overreacting. Shadow hunters get hurt all the time."

"Maybe, but I think they've all had enough nightmares keeping them up at night already." His tone suddenly turned somber. Her own nightmares flashed across her mind; all the blood and piles of
dead and she knew he was right.
The silence drew on between them, and just as it was starting to press so much that Isabelle considered walking out- Simon's stomach rumbled.

She couldn't help but laugh.

"I think your inner whale is calling." He presented his chameleon skills again by matching the color of a lotus flower.

"I woke up late." He admitted.

"And you were planning to train on an empty stomach?" Isabelle shook her head disapproving. He was skinny enough as it was, and how could he possibly gain muscle if he didn't eat.

"Well...you know.. Jace." That she did understand.

"Can you find your way to the dining room?"

"Not without accidentally getting locked in the dungeon first." She didn't care to mention that there wasn't a dungeon in the Institute, instead found herself almost smiling at his attempt at humor.

"Come on" she tilted her head towards the door, wincing at how cold the floor was beneath her bare feet. He fell into step with her halfway down the hall. His stomach grumbled again and this time she did smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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