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"Simon." Isabelle felt as if she should have gasped his name in surprise, but she is usually collected on the outside. Even when she's not on the inside. So his name came out as if they were having a normal conversation and that he did not just startle her greatly.

"Hey," he greeted. Simon's eyes flicked up to meet her gaze, then quickly cast his vision down again in what Isabelle could only suppose to be embarrassment.

"What are you doing here?" Isabelle asked, she had never been fond of beating around the bush. She was more of a straight forward girl, when it came to interrogation.

"Here as in the Institute? Or here as in your room?" He asked, Isabelle knew he was just stalling. It was so like Simon to try to swerve away from things he felt uncomfortable talking about.

"Both, but let's start with my personal, closed-off and private area." Her voice rose just a little per word, but it was enough to unnerve Simon even more.

"Well, you see......I wanted to see you." His words were sweet and they were the kindling of a flame that was growing, trying to thaw Isabelle's frozen emotions. Trying to melt he stone cold section in her heart that held this teenage boy, and her stolen love for him.

Figuring that this would be a lengthy conversation, she moved to sit at the foot of her bed. And just to make herself seem more into her old and well-known character, she slowly closed her eyes as if she was thinking; this boy is hopeless.

When in truth, he was the only one that actually had a chance.


"Would you care to elaborate?" Isabelle expressed in an agitated tone.

"I don't really think that-"

"Please, enlighten me." She replied to before he could finish his rejection.

"It's a long story...." He tried. Though, it was a pretty pitiful attempt.

"That's perfect, I have nothing but time." She insisted, plastering a fake smile on her beautiful face. From across the room, she heard him let out an exasperated sigh. Isabelle smiled inwardly, with enough time, she could get her way with just about anything, with basically everyone. Well... everyone except Jace. That boy was more stubborn than a mule. But that was just one more reason Isabelle had grown to like him.

"So I was in the facility, and Magnus had told me that you Shadowhunters live in the Institute. When I came here for the tour, somehow I just remembered where your room was. I kinda snuck away but not really, I mean they could have chased me down if they had wanted to, and I didn't really have their permission and-" Isabelle had grew more and more confused with each word that had come out of Simon's mouth, and signaled for him to stop various times. She had forgotten that Simon, with his gaze downcast, had not seen the signals and rolling her eyes, Isabelle walked over to the ranting boy and put a hand over his mouth.

Now he was finally looking up at her, eyes widening as he took in her form, the details of her face and the unusual runes etched in her otherwise flawless skin.

"Could you please sort out your thoughts, and start the explanation over." It was more of a command than a question. He nodded vigorously and his eyes trailed her as she sat down next to him, leaving enough room between them, as not to be considered 'Comfortable companionship'. Even though a part of her just wanted to be as close to him as possible. Simon took a deep breath, oh boy, Isabelle thought before he started.

"So, the last time I saw you was at Clary's mom's wedding right?" It was a rhetorical question because he had not given her enough time to actually answer. "And ever since that night, I have been having these dreams. Dreams about the Shadowhunters and Werewolfs and Vampires. I had dreams about Clary, demons, Jace, blood and turning into a Vampire, basically all kinds of crazy things. But somehow, I can feel that everything that I dreamed actually happened. And it is hard for my mind to accept all this....this stuff that usually only happens in fantasy novels. I dreamed of so many faces, people, creatures and events but you......you came up so much more often than anyone else. Even Clary." Isabelle had closed her eyes, she knew in which direction this was going. But she wasn't ready to hear it yet. She started to raise her hand, to cut Simon off again but he kept going. "And even when I was awake, living my 'normal' life, I randomly thought of you. It was like you were on the back of my mind, I could never stop thinking of yo-"

To her surprise and relief, the door swung open suddenly, sending a breeze that ruffled strands of Isabelle's hair. And of all people, a tall graceful figure, much like herself stood at the door. His golden hair looked untidy and chaotic. His chest was rising and falling rather quickly, his skin glowed with unusual warmth. And his lips were just a tad bit swollen, red with underlying blood. Isabelle knew enough in the area of heated physical attraction to say that Jace was not flustered because he was surprised at what he saw.

He had been busy.


Jace's gaze landed on Simon first, then skipped to Isabelle.

"Oh, you're back." He spoke, nodding in her direction.

"Jace, what do you want?" Isabelle asked, her tone resembled that of a teenage girl that was extremely bored. Yet, it matched her outwardly character. Jace smiled, his breathing had calmed down to that of a normal person.

"Actually Izzy, I was looking for him." Jace nodded at Simon, his eyes narrowing.

"Really?" Isabelle asked quizzically. "You must have been searching pretty hard." She noted, letting Jace know that she saw right through his lies.

"Yes, actually, that little sucker likes to play hide and seek." She rolled her eyes at his subtle vampire reference.

"I can hear you, you know." Simon spoke up. Jace turned his attention toward the human.

"Oh is that so? Than how come you didn't seem to hear me and Clary calling your name?" Simon stared blankly at the other boy.

"Maybe because you were too busy doing other things." The two males glared at each other in dislike, Isabelle decided to disperse the tension before something happened. Jace had gained some respect for Simon when he had basically sacrificed himself in the demon relm, but as time grew, his respect for the boy had shrunk, thinking that Simon was not the same person he was before. And he wasn't, he was not a vampire anymore and a fight with Jace could be deadly for the weaker boy.

"Jace, would you do a better job of explaining why a mundane is in the Institute?" Isabelle asked, not using Simom's name to tell her brother that she had not given in to another relationship with him yet.

"Oh, we were giving him a tour of the Institute, Magnus thought that it might be easier for him to regain his memories if he actually saw the places in real life."

"So it was Magnus's idea." Isabelle clarified, letting Jace know that she was looking for the person responsible for putting her in this situation.

"Kind of." Jace replied, telling her that he got her message. She shot him a look that said, this conversation is not over yet. To her surprise he went on. "Also to let him become familiar to the place he will be in for a long time." Isabelle raised her eyebrows.

"And what exactly are you implying?" She asked, though she was sure she already knew the answer. And was totally not liking the idea. To her annoyance, Jace gave her a sly smile. She was seconds away from slapping it off his face. 

"Well Izzy, didn't you hear? Simon's going to start his training here, to become one of us."

Love Again - Simon and Isabelle (A Mortal Instruments fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now